A fructan is a polymer of fructose molecules. They occur in foods such as artichokes, asparagus, green beans, leeks, onions (including spring onion), yacon, and wheat.
In animal fodder, fructans also appear in grass, with dietary implications for horses and other equidae.
There are 3 types of fructans:
1. Inulin - linear fructans generally linked by β(2→1) glycosidic bonds
2. Levan - linear fructans generally linked by β(2→6) glycosidic bonds[1]
3. Graminan - branched fructans linked by both β(2→1) and β(2→6) glycosidic bonds
Plants storing their food as fructans are able to thrive at low temperatures since fructans confer tolerance to freezing. They bind to membranes, thereby helping to keep cells intact.
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Cel mai bine ar fi sa incerci sa slabesti natural, medicamentele nu intotdeauna isi fac efectul, in schimb pot sa-ti faca rau asa ca nu te-as sfatui sa le incerci mai ales daca nu sti ce reactii adverse au.
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