Study Shows Ecstasy Use Effects Long-Term Memory
Can Paxil/Seroxat risperidone cause memory loss and brain damage in 6 months?
Paroxetine and risperidone can both cause memory loss, whether taken individually or together.
Paroxetine and risperidone can both cause brain damage, whether taken individually or together.
These effects can occur after one day of use, 4 weeks of use, 6 months of use, 5 years of use, or any other duration.
Some people only notice or experience problems after doses or drugs are changed, particularly when a full discontinuation is attempted.
Yeah, the memory loss could be a side effect. I have found, though, that my memory problems seem to be more related to stress. I was so bad a couple of years ago that I was referred to a neuro-psychologist, who said that she KNEW, without doing any tests, that my problem was anxiety and stress. She said that when the brain is too filled with stress/anxiety, it cand of shuts down the less-important functions. Rather like when the physical body goes into shock, and just works to keep the vital organs functioning.
in concluzie DA, ca efect advers, dar nu la toti pacienti
Antidepresivele s au dovedit a fi un "scut" in prevenirea demenței senile. Nu si antipsihoticele însă sunt de mare ajutor in cazul schizofreniei sau la nevoie, in depresie, cand ai episoade suicidale.
Antidepresivele dau o stare de bine, dar trebuie prescrise doar de medicul specialist, si luate doar in doza recomandata.
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