Este posibil ca mătușa ta să sufere de o formă de tulburare paranoidă. Ți-aș recomanda să încerci să te muți, pentru că mă îndoiesc că situația se va îmbunătăți dacă nu se tratează.
Trebuie sa meargă la un psihiatru urgent până nu va pune viața în pericol ei sau vouă din cauza delirului sau a halucinațiilor.
Din ce am citit mătușa ta e suspecta de psihoza sau schizofrenie, episod psihotic. Ar trebui sa fie supravegheata până nu se va întâmpla un incident dramatic in familie, ea are nevoie de ajutor.
Paranoia! Foarte serios! Necesita ajutor de specialitate biata femeie! Dar si ea trebuie sa conștientizeze ca altfel este degeaba! Are si manifestari violente? Tipat, lovit sau doar asemenea " fabulatii "?
What Is Paranoia?
Paranoia is a distortion of reality and mental perception of one’s environment. This results in someone believing they are threatened by a particular cand of outside force. Occasional or mild paranoia can exist on its own, particularly after real experiences of betrayal or trauma. However, persistent paranoia is often a symptom of other mental health conditions.
Below are some examples of paranoia:
A person fearing the government is watching or tracking them
A person believing there is a murder plot against them
A person assuming that others are talking behind their back
A person believing their partner is being unfaithful
A person believing they are inherently superior to others
Anxiety Vs. Paranoia
Although symptoms may overlap, there are distinct differences between anxiety and paranoia. Someone with paranoia presents with chronic delusions related to a threat, conspiracy, or an evil sense of harm to self or others. Someone with an anxiety disorder might have some of these fear-based thoughts, but they do not inherently lead to such profound mistrust. Anxiety symptoms also tend to correlate with more self-doubt and feelings of insecurity, and those symptoms may not be inherently present with paranoia.
Symptoms of Paranoia
Symptoms of paranoia can manifest at any point in someone’s life. They can ebb and flow over time, and stress often exacerbates their intensity. Symptoms can also vary based on the presenting mental health condition.
Symptoms of paranoia may include:2
Mistrust of others
Increased isolation
Reluctance to share personal information
Finding hidden meanings in benign situations
Having difficulty relaxing
Stubbornness and hostility