Dacă dintele ți-ar sta in stomac și stomacul ar reține coco aia vreo o săptămână, da
"In the fall of 1950 Cornell University professor Clive McCay was on a mission to alert Americans to the cavity-causing power of Coca-Cola. Speaking in front of the Congressional committee on food additives, McCay came armed with some rather alarming statements, including that Coke could eat through the steps of the nation's Capitol building, and that a tooth placed in a glass of Coca-Cola would dissolve within several days. McCay's statements got the lawmakers' attention and spawned more urban myths about Coke.
Soda's supposed dissolving powers can be traced to the presence of three acids in its formula—phosphoric, citric, and carbonic acid, many of which can be found in other popular drinks. In fact, every morning many Americans begin their day with Orange juice, a drink possessing more citric acid (and as much sugar) as soda. Coca-Cola's head chemist, Orville May, testified that the.055 percent level of phosphoric acid in Coke is nowhere near the 1.09 percent acid content found in an Orange.
As for the tooth-dissolving myth, May also suggested that McCay's testimony ignored the effects of saliva in the mouth—or the simple fact that people don't hold soda in their mouth overnight. In any case, attempts to recreate this experiment have shown that McCay exaggerated the claim: Leaving your tooth in a glass of Coke isn't good for it, but it won't completely dissolve overnight, or even in a couple of days.
That said, the acids present in many popular drinks can temporarily lower the pH of saliva in the mouth, allowing for the softening of tooth enamel and the opportunity for sugar to cause tooth decay. Recent studies have found sports and energy drinks can be more acidic and cause more erosion to tooth enamel than soda itself, and it doesn't help they're typically consumed when an individual is dehydrated, which weakens saliva's protective properties for the enamel"
Asta ca sa nu faci confuzie intre ce zic eu si ce zici tu.
Ma gandesc, chimic vorbind, cum demonstrezi tu ca cimentul dentar se dizolva in cola dupa o saptamana?
Vreau dovezi si surse, dupa voi admite absurditatea faptului.
Degeaba imi dai citate, nu știu franceză!
"cum demonstrezi tu ca cimentul dentar..." a vorbit cineva de ciment? recitește intrebarea dacă stai rău cu memoria
"mi am plombat un dinte, am baut 2 pahare de Coca Cola! Se va intampla ceva? Se dizolva?" așa că din nou, citește și nu fabula!
hai pa că dai pe lângă
Nu, stai calm.
Cola nu poate disloca si nici dizolva cimentul dentar, indiferent de varsta sau situatie.
Ideal ar fi sa speli cat mai des dintii si maselele, in special zona dintre gingie si dinte cu o periuta mai moale pentru a defavoriza inmultirea bacteriilor care pot crea carii sub plomba, eventual poti folosi ata dentara, insa cu multa grija.