| anonim_4396 a întrebat:

E adevarat ca poti face cancer de la anticonceptionale?

Atenţie! Problemele de natură medicală sunt probleme serioase care necesită asistenţă/consult specializat. Sugestiile date de utilizatorii TPU au doar o valoare orientativă şi în nici un caz nu exclud consultul profesional medical. Prin urmare vă recomandăm să apelaţi la personal medical specializat atât pentru diagnosticare, cât şi pentru tratament.
35 răspunsuri:
| Magdalen a răspuns:

Chiar nu stii sa recunosti ca Nu ai dreptate?
Dupa cum - probabil- bine stii, nimic nu este sigur, mai ales in medicina. De aceea este folosit cuvantul "suggest" - de altfel o exprimare obisnuita in concluziile tuturor cercetarilor referitoare la biologie (unde NU exista certitudine ca in matematica sau fizica de exemplu). Deci, IN COLNCLUZII nu se trece IPOTEZADE LUCRU ( cum ai spus) ci REZULTATELE CERCETARILOR; ipoteza de lucru este ce iti propui la inceputul cercetarii, iar rezultatele pot confirma sau nu ipoteza de lucru.

In aModele=afficheN&cpsidt=16252425 vei gasi fraza "Increased risk for hepatocellular carcinoma (adica cancer de ficat) is evident in young noncirrhotic users of oral contraceptives in the United States and Europe".
In din 2006 vei gasi frazele "Studies of breast cancer have consistently found an increased risk associated with elevated blood levels of endogenous estrogen, clinical indicators of persistently elevated blood estrogen levels, and exposure to exogenous estrogen plus progestin through hormone-replacement therapy and the use of oral contraceptives. In experimental animals, estrogen treatment leads to the development of mammary tumors. Together, these observations support the hypothesis that estrogen is a mammary-gland carcinogen."

Pe din 2009, exista concluzia "Currently available oral contraceptives still have a major impact on thrombosis occurrence and many women do not use the safest brands with regard to risk of venous thrombosis"
Pe exista tabelul cu Riscul de cancer la anticonceptionalele in SUA, care arata ca riscul de cancer de san indus de anticoncpetionale este de >1, 3 cu 13.000 de decese pe an in SUA, iar pentru colul uterin riscul este dublu la femeile ce iau anticonceptionale comparativ cu cele care nu iau.
Daca esti medic si nu iei in seama riscurile la care iti supui prea stiu daca nu iti asumi unele riscuri personale referitoare la continuarea practicarii profesiei...

| Magdalen a răspuns:

Referitor la al doilea articol, care spui tu " are urmatoarea concluzie: These results suggest that OC use is associated with an increased risk of breast cancer (suggest nu indica siguranta, ci doar o ipoteza de lucru, exact asa cum am spus si eu: ca se studiaza posibilitatea)- vad ca confunzi ipoteza de lucru (care se emite INAINTE de a incepe un studiu), cu concluziile (care sunt LA SFARSITUL STUDIULUI). si in plus nu stii ca in biologie NU EXISTA CERTITUDINE ci doar probabilitate... nici un diagnostic nu este CERT ci probabil, nici unui pacient nu ii spui :sigur te vindeci" ci "exista mari sanse sa te vindeci"... de aici "suggest", termen obisnuit in concluziile cercetarilor medicale.
La al treilea articol care spui "este un studiu facut pe studii, nu pe pacienti", probabil nu ai citit cu atentie articolul: studilu facut pe studii se numeste METAANALIZA si areCELE MAI CREDIBILE REZULTATE
Daca nu vrei titluri care "sa induca i neroare", ai aici TEXTE:
The major influences on breast cancer risk appear to be certain reproductive factors, body size/obesity, alcohol, physical activity, exogenous hormones (oral contraceptives, hormone replacement therapy), and, possibly, diet. There have, however, been few attempts to quantify the magnitude of risk differentials between populations that might be explained by such factors."
"Oral contraceptives (OC) use is associated with excess risk of benign liver tumours, and a modest excess risk of liver cancer. The association with liver cancer was smaller for recent, low-dose OC".
"A large analysis of most of the studies carried out worldwide into oral contraceptives (the pill) and the risk of breast cancer, showed that women using the pill have a slight but significant increase in breast cancer risk. But 10 years after you stop taking the pill your risk of breast cancer goes back to normal."
"NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Oral contraceptive use is associated with an increased risk of breast cancer diagnosed in recent years, according to a report in the 2009 February 15th issue of the American Journal of Epidemiology"
"Oral contraceptives containing oestrogen and progestogen (known as combined oral contraceptives) are the most popular reversible method of birth control in Australian women under the age of 30. Apart from preventing pregnancy, they provide some level of protection against endometrial and ovarian cancer. They are also associated with a slightly increased risk of breast cancer and, in a certain group of women, an increased risk of cervical cancer."

Nu am intentionat sa te jignesc in nici un fel, nu vad de ce te-ai simti jignit, daca cineva are o alta parere decat tine
Oricum, scuze, a fost fara intentie.

| Magdalen a răspuns:

Draga Laur.
Daca prognosticul tine de "factorii personali" deci de o variabila, diagnosticul tine. de mult mai multe variabile: factori personali (modalitatea de manifestare a bolii la fiecare), ANALIZE (fiecare cu marja de eroare), calificarea medicului, aparatura (PERFORMANTA/NEPERFORMANTA, FUNCTIONALA/ CU. MICI DEFICIENTE), prelucrarea probelor biologice - sange, ser, tesuturi secretii (cum au fost recoltate, pastrate, transportate, sectionate- mai gros sau mai subtire-, uscate, fixate, colorate, etc, etc).
Cred ca iti este evident ca din multe VARIABILE, nu poate iesi absolut niciodata un rezultat CERT.
De aici si diagnosticele "gresite" in medicina; de fapt nu sunt gresite, ci... nu s-a adeverit probabilitatea de diagnostic, deoarece nu era 100%

| Magdalen a răspuns:

1. "asocierea clara a fumatului cu cancerul de plaman sau HPV cu cancerul de col" este la fel de clara ca intre anticonceptionale si cancerul de san sau col: adica, nu toti care fumeaza, au HPV sau iau anticonceptioonale fac cancer, ci DOAR O PARTE.

2. Daca tu poti omite aceste studii... inseamna ca esti extrem de partinitor, si nu vad cum le poti infirma pe pareri; eu nu iti spun parerea mea, nu am spus-o pe acest site, ci doar am citat studii; atat.
2006 -- Meta analysis confirms increased risk for breast cancer in pre-menopausal users, especially for before first full term pregnancy (FFTP) users. click [here] (PDF - Acrobat reader required) Text abstract available [here]

2006 -- Study published in October 2006 confirms elevated risk with oral contraceptive use (but finds no increased risk with use by BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carriers). click [here]

2006 -- Article in the New England Journal of Medicine reaffirms the oral contraceptive breast cancer link. click [here]

2005 -- WHO IARC declares combined oral estrogen-progestogen contraceptives "carcinogenic to humans" -- implicated in breast, cervix, and liver cancer. click [here]

2003 -- National Cancer Institute Sponsored study indicates increased risk of breast cancer for women aged 20-34 who used oral contraceptives prior to diagnosis. click [here]

2002 -- 3rd European Breast Cancer Conference presented with evidence of increased risk of breast cancer by users of oral contraceptives. click [here]

3. Insemana ca nu ai citit articolele daca vrei cifre:
The Women's Contraceptive and Reproductive Experiences (Women's CARE) Study was a population-based case–control study conducted in 5 US sites that involved over 9000 participants. Case subjects were women between the ages of 35 and 64 in whom invasive breast cancer developed between 1994 and 1998. Control subjects were selected at random, and in a 1:1 ratio, from a sample of eligible subjects without breast cancer (stratified according to age, race and study site), identified through random digit dialing.
Oral contraceptive (OC) use has been linked to increased risk of breast cancer, largely on the basis of studies conducted before 1990. In the Case-Control Surveillance Study, a US hospital-based case-control study of medication use and cancer, the authors assessed the relation of OC use to breast cancer risk among 907 case women with incident invasive breast cancer (731 white, 176 black) and 1, 711 controls (1, 152 white, 559 black) interviewed from 1993 to 2007.
Current use of oral contraceptives (OCs) has been reportedto increase breast cancer risk slightly. In 1991/1992, a prospective cohort study specifically designed to examine the role of hormonal contraceptives in relation to breast cancer was conducted in Norway and Sweden. This study was entitled Women’s Lifestyle and Health. Of 196, 000 invited women aged 30–49 years, 106, 844 women answered a 4-page questionnaire. Altogether, 103, 027 women providing information on contraceptive use were included in the analysis presented here, and 1, 008 primary invasive breast cancers were diagnosed throughout 1999 (end of follow-up
A previous pooled analysis of more than 50 studies with more than 150 000 patients (Lancet 1996; 347:1713-27)[CrossRef][Web of Science][Medline] found a slight increase in the risk of breast cancer with previous oral contraceptive use
Si asa mai departe...
Nu cred ca in problema in discutie sunt necesare si parerile noastre; cred ca sunt suficiente parerile altora, care chiar au cercetat problema

| dianna_5276 a răspuns:

Salut! Dar aveti idee de o metoda contraceptiva mai sanatoasa, sa zic asa?

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