Pofta de mancare este mai mare la menstra http://www.weightwatchers.com/util/art/index_art.aspx?tabnum=1&art_id=42321
Food Intake and Metabolism
While overeating is the popular perception, research has shown that there are only minor changes in actual food intake throughout the menstrual cycle. Most studies suggest an increase in eating of around 100 to 200 calories in the days before bleeding occurs, 1, 2 but this appears to be offset by the small rise in metabolism (around 5 to 10 percent)3 that occurs during the same time period. In other words, the body tends to adjust the calories in/calories out on its own. Therefore, in a weight-stable state, no changes in weight will occur.
However, if actively losing weight by following a restricted-calorie food plan, the likely result would be a slight (but hardly noticeable) increase in weight loss due to the increased metabolism without the usual increase in calories. Alternatively, the result instead could be a slightly greater difficulty in following the food plan because of increased hunger during that period.
Food Cravings
Femeia are mai mulți draci în perioada aia, nu e niciun mit, alt motiv nu am găsit
Da, cu cateva sute de grame, fiindca ai mici edeme. Menstruatia apare cand nivelul de progesteron scade sub un anumit nivel critic, ceea ce duce la o crestere relatiova a nivelului de estrogen. Estrogenul retyine apa avand un efect antidiuretic si de stimulare a acumularii de apa in tesuturi. Daca esti atenta vei observa ca sanii sunt un pic mai mari si mai umflati, ca inelele iti sunt un pic mai stramte, ca un pantof foarte fix pe picior te strange un pic pe seara
E adevărat. Am o prietena la medicina care mi-a zis și mie. Pentru ca reții apa în organism
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