Da.dauneaza foarte mult orice tigare cu orice gust. sper sa ai incredere in mine si iti urez mult noroc!
Sincer, nu am auzit asa ceva, dar daca ai incercat si nu ai patit nimic mult noroc in continuare
Am gasit asta pe net:
Reach for a cinnamon stick and put it in your mouth as you would a cigarette. The taste is pleasant. (Don't light it though!)
INHALE on the cinnamon stick DEEPLY just as if you were smoking. In fact, part of the reason people find smoking to be relaxing IS because they always take deep breaths when they smoke.
Now, a big EXHALE!
After your cinnamon stick, drink a big glass of cold water. Repeat as often as necessary.
deci e bun, nu dauneaza.
Gudroanele rezulta prin arderea materiei orgaice (sunt practic particule mici de scrum). Astea sunt cele mai toxice in orice tigare si in lemnul ars de scortisoara.
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