Se poate rupe in diverse cazuri. Cum se rupe? Poc! Simptome? De cele mai multe ori, decesul. Ca idee, uite o intimplare reala - " In a statement shared on Judas Priest's official website on 5 October 2021, Faulkner explained that when the band was performing "Painkiller" at the Louder Than Life Festival in Kentucky on 26 September 2021, his aorta ruptured and started to spill blood into his chest cavity. Faulkner's doctor told him he had an aortic aneurysm and complete aortic dissection, which is often fatal. Faulkner was taken to a nearby hospital, the Rudd Heart & Lung Center (which is only 4 miles away from the venue), and quickly went into what turned out to be a 10 ½ hour emergency open heart surgery where five parts of his chest were replaced with mechanical components. Faulkner said that this was totally unexpected for him since he had no history of a bad heart, no clogged arteries nor high cholesterol, and then urged the fans to get themselves checked." Mi-e sila sa traduc, dar pe scurt omului i s-a rupt aorta in timpul unui concert si spre marele lui noroc, a ajuns la spital si a intrat in operatie in vreo 10 minute, ca altfel era pa-pa.
Da. In cazul unui anevrism.
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