"While there is no official name for the phobia of butterflies, it has been linked to Mottephobia (Fear of Moths), or a name such as Lepidopterophobia (based on Lepidopterans - the order of insects including butterflies, moths, etc.)."
Read more: http://wiki.answers.com/......utterflies
Definition of LEPIDOPTERAN
: any of a large order (Lepidoptera) of insects comprising the butterflies, moths, and skippers that as adults have four broad or lanceolate wings usually covered with minute overlapping and often brightly colored scales and that as larvae are caterpillars.
Desi nu exista nici un nume oficial pentru fobia de fluturi, ea a fost legata de Mottephobia (teama de molii), sau un nume, cum ar fi Lepidopterophobia (bazat pe Lepidopterans - ordinea de insecte, inclusiv fluturi, molii, etc)
Cred ca lepidopterofobie.
dar nu cred ca se incadreaza la aceasta categorie...