Nu stiu ce-i cu boala asta, ca nici tu n-ai dat detalii, dar dupa ce zice wiki, oamenii au o viata relativ normala.
There is no known cure or treatment for the disorder. People affected by the disorder live relatively normal lives by managing their symptoms and with counseling. When the condition is suspected or known to occur in a family, genetic testing can be helpful in identifying the specific individuals who have or carry the disorder.
Ways of reducing the fishy odor may include:
Avoiding foods such as egg yolks, legumes, red meats, fish, beans and other foods that contain choline, carnitine, nitrogen, sulfur and lecithin
Taking low doses of antibiotics such as neomycin and metronidazole[6] in order to reduce the amount of bacteria in the gut
Using slightly acidic detergent with a pH between 5.5 and 6.5
E o boala pe baza de miros, mirosi a fecale, decompus, poti face 10 dusuri pe zi tot aia e, nu reusesc sa ma mai ridic de jos, sunt distrus psihic. Si cancerul daca faci tratament ai o viata normala....glumeam.
La boala asta degeaba faci regim, si tratament, sdoar se amelioreaza din puterea mirosului...dar tot miros a infect...
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