| LisaJulie a întrebat:

A mai făcut cineva guacamole și tacos acasă? Cum v-a ieșit, ce ar trebui sa pun sa iasă mai bun?

11 răspunsuri:
| suntserios a răspuns:

Guacamole fac foarte des

| dullcat a răspuns:

Pui ce doresti tu, dupa gust, care oricum difera de la persoana la persoana. Pofta buna!

| relian a răspuns:

Aici lumea prefera, sau cel putin barbatii am vazut prefera felii de avocado la tacos si lamaie nu guacamole.
Eu sa nu vad rahatu ala verde piureul ala verde rahat imprastiat laughing nu-s curios.
Dar asa felii de avocado si felii de lamai verzi is ok.
Tacos, depinde de carne si cum este facuta carnea aia.Pe aici la mine gasesti carne pentru tacos la magazine speciale de mexicani, unsa cu de toate doar sa o pui in tigaie sau pe gratar dupa caz.

Nu fac acasa ca nu-s curios sa fac mincare laughing dar am un prieten care este fan tacos, el face acasa mai des, mai ma cheama si pe mine, dar din ce am observat uneori o cam usuca laughing ma refer la carne, se ia cu alte alea si uita de carne.
El prefera fajita la carne, dar tacos se fac cu mai multe tipuri de carne, insa multi prefera pe asta fajita, nu stiu de ce, poate pentru ca e de vita.
Cauta si tu retete, dar nu la romani, cauta in engleza si pe la americani, mexicani si incearca, daca tot vrei sa faci.

Eu daca am pofta ma duc la colt, is in unele intersectii niste bombe de astea mexicanesti, bombe ca si cladire, niste magazii laughing fac aia niste tacos meserie, bune rau, bune doar daca am pofta, in rest nu-s bune laughing iar pfta de tacos am destul de rar sa zic asa.

Dar tu cum nu esti aici linga ei, te inteleg esti curioasa, ai pofte, asa ca trebuie sa cauti retete.
Zii daca nu gasesti retete, ma chinui eu, la lenea ce o am si iti trimit o reteta ceva de pe aici, daca o sa am chef, ca am o lene de o tai cu satiru laughing

Uite aia e reteta de guacamole, am luat porima cea iesit in cale, dar is la balamuc insa nu stau sa caut altele ca nu stiu ce-ti place tie.

| relian a răspuns:

Uite reteta in caz ca nu poti accesa link-ul ce ti l-am lasat. Nu am mai stat sa traduc, sper ca intelegi engleza, e simplu, nu-i cine stie ce, apoi daca nu intelegi, tradu si tu cu google, ori daca nu traduce bine, ma intrebi siti traduc, sa nu zici cas rau laughing

After numerous trips to Mexico and working alongside Mexican chefs, I can confirm that this guacamole is the real deal. Fresh, easy, and authentic! Just as you would enjoy it in Mexico.

With just eight simple ingredients you can make one of the all-time-best dip recipes.
-3 Avocados ripe: Want to know how to pick the best, most ripe avocados? See my tips below!
-1/2 small Onion finely diced: I’m using yellow onion which is most often used in Mexico, but you could use red onion as well.
-2 Roma Tomatoes diced: Choose Roma tomatoes which are less juicy. No one wants a watery guac.
-3 tablespoon finely chopped fresh Cilantro: One of my favorite herbs and a staple in Mexican cuisine.
-1 Jalapeno peper: You can also use serrano pepper for a little extra heat.
-2 Garlic cloves, minced: Some people like their guac with garlic, others like it without. I love just a little.
-1 Lime juiced: Freshly squeezed lime is a must. Don’t use jarred lime juice as the flavor is muted.
-1/2 teaspoon Salt: A pinch of flaky salt brings it all together.

The best guacamole starts with the freshest ingredients. Look for avocados that are ripe, but firm. You definitely don’t want soft and mushy avocados.
So how do you pick good, ripe avocados? First, grab avocados that still have the stem attached. If the stem has been removed in the store, it’s more likely to have brown spots on the inside. Then, gently press on one end. It should be firm, but have a slight give to it.


1-Slice the avocados in half, remove the pit, and scoop into a mixing bowl.
2-Mash the avocado with a fork and make it as chunky or smooth as you’d like.
3-Add the remaining ingredients and stir together. Give it a taste test and add a pinch more salt or lime juice if needed.


-Look for large avocados for this recipe. If you can only find small avocados, feel free to add one more!
-Definitely use fresh limes rather than lime juice in a bottle. The flavor difference is worth it. And speaking of limes, I’m using Mexican limes which give about 1 to 2 tablespoons of juice.
-Make sure to read my tips below for keeping leftover guacamole green and fresh. It’s truly amazing! And I store the leftover guacamole in these

Storage without oxidation

-The most common guacamole preservation hack is placing plastic wrap directly on the guacamole to prevent oxidation. And this may work for a day or two. But I’m striving to reduce my plastic consumption and just don’t love this method.
-So in my quest to keep my guacamole green I stumbled on this hack – and it’s brilliant.

Here’s how to keep guacamole green:
-Place your leftover guacamole in a storage container and pat it down firmly with a spoon so it’s nice and flat on top.
-Add about 1/2 inch of water on top (I used cold water).
-Place the lid on the storage container and store it in the fridge. That’s it!
-When you want to enjoy the guacamole, drain the water off the top, give it a stir and you’re good to go.

| SilentRain a răspuns:

Pune lămâie

| ReddY25 a răspuns:

Nu am încercat niciodată

| Furnicuta000 a răspuns:

Guacamole e bun dar eu una nu fac fix dupa reteta, o fac cum imi place mie mai exact pun: avocado pisat, zeama de lamaie, ceapa taiata marunt, putin patrunjel, cateva rosii cherry taiate marunt, sare, piper. Cateodata pun si ou fiert tare taiat bucatele.
Tacos nu prea stiu ce e. Cred ca cojile alea de lipii facute din porumb. Am mancat si din alea dar cumparate

| LisaJulie explică:

Nu ești al mamcarii mexicane? Dar mâncarea greceasca îți place?

| Invictusman2025 a răspuns:

Pui multa iubire și iese mai gustos happy

| simplaexistenta a răspuns:

Eu la guacamole adaug lămâie, usturoi (uneori), sau rosii tăiate in cuburi foarte mici

| Wolf1988 a răspuns:

Este suficient sa respecti reteta.
Iese intodeauna perfect.

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