| Jorj a întrebat:

You like fast food? Argue your answer.

Răspuns Câştigător
| raresica a răspuns:

Yeah, i like fast food, but not McDonalds. I like KFC and Weendy's more than McD. I love cheeseburgers and chicken wings with a cold juice. I know that is now very healthy but I eat fast food rarely so... Ok bye!

5 răspunsuri:
| Hypathia a răspuns:

Nu! Este o mancare plina de calorii, cu un continut scazut de nutrienti, deci foarte nesanatoasa.

| Akid a răspuns:

Yes. i like. cause is so delicious. but isn`t so good for healt but i like...

| mihamihaela1234 a răspuns:

Yes, i love fast food because is so delicious...

| Jorj explică:

English please

| anonim_4396 a răspuns:

Do you like girls with big body? :)) You like fast food. http://sp2.ro/019926