Buna Alice! Pe www.frogs.ro ai incercat? Uite aici http://www.frogs.ro/produs/converse-ct-x-ray-ox si
Sper sa-ti placa! :)
Tenisi Converse marimea 35 gasesti la Cheap and Chic Shop:
Buna, tenisi Converse marimea 34 gasesti la noi.
La Cheap and Chic Shop gasiti tenisi CONVERSE la un pret accesibil (60 – 120 Ron).
Va asteptam!
Cheap and Chic Shop
Imbracaminte | Accesorii Designer | Vintage
* articole de imbracaminte vintage si
second hand
shop: http://www.cheapandchicshop.blogspot.com
email: cheapandchicshop@yahoo.com
ID mess: cheapandchicshop
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Cheap-and-Chic-Shop/180810718600726?v=info
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