Inca nu am intampinat frauda pentru ca nu comand cu plata in advances si cand comand, de exemplu, de la firma M3Cargo, au posibilitatea sa inspecteze coletul inainte de a-l ridica si sunt sigur ca orice corespondență. are o inspecție funcțională a coletului. Cred că dacă urmați aceste reguli, atunci nu există niciun risc de fraudă
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Company Rating
The Administrative email address doesn't appear to work. This is usually a bad sign as the company cannot be contacted by the registrar in case of questions and billing. It may be a mistake but is also somewhat sloppy. As a result we reduced the trust score slightly.
Webshop Analysis
The registrant contact email address doesn't appear to work. This is usually a bad sign as the website owner cannot be contacted for changes in the domain name by the registrar. It may just be an error but it may also indicate that the owner of the website is not very serious about keeping the website safe.
According to Tranco this site has a low Tranco rank. This means that the number of visitors to this website is quite low. You can expect this from a small, starting or niche website. A popular website however should have a higher ranking.
The name of the website has been claimed for more than a year in advance. This is a good sign. Most website owners only register their domain name for one year and renew every year. Companies who register their domain name for a longer-term (up to 10 years) mean to continue their business for a long time. Most scammers sell the name of their websites after a few months once their scam has become common knowledge.
This website has been set-up several years ago. We consider this a positive sign. The longer a website exists, the more it can be expected that it is legit. However, the age of the website is unfortunately no guarantee. In some cases, scammers have been found to buy existing domain names and start their malicious practice here. So checking a website remains a necessity.
We tried to analyze the content of the website but we failed. It may mean a temporary technical error, that the site is not active, there is no content, or that the website is actively blocking our efforts to analyze the information it is offering. As we analyze more than 2 million websites every month we recommend caution. Extra research to determine if this website is legit or a scam is recommended.
Technical Analysis
The Technical email address doesn't appear to work. This may be a technical glitch but is unusual. It means that the technical contact person of the company cannot be contacted by third parties if something is wrong with the website.
This website is located on a server in a high-risk location. Locations with a high risk are locations identified by the International Banking Federation as having a high level of fraud and corruption. We consider the location of origin in our algorithm but only other factors found (like products offered on the site) may result in a low score.
This website is a website within a website. This means that the website is including or iframing functionality located on another webserver. What you see may actually be located on a completely different website. We therefor recommend you to be cautious before you enter any personal data.
This registrar has a high percentage of spammers and fraud sites. The domain registration company seems to attract websites with a low to very low trust score. This may be a chance but it may also because the "Know your customer" process of the registrar is poor or non-existing. We reduced the trust score of the website as a result.
A valid SSL certificate was found. Professional companies use an SSL certificate to encrypt communication between your computer and their website. However, there are different levels of certification and scammers also install a free SSL certificate. If you have to enter your data, never do this without checking if an SSL certificate protects your information."
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Eşti pe cale să postezi un mesaj care poate încuraja pirateria şi distribuţia ilegală de materiale pe internet. Legea nr. 8 din 1996, privind dreptul de autor şi drepturile conexe, a fost modificată semnificativ prin Legea nr. 285 din 2004, prin OUG nr. 123 din 2005, precum şi prin Legea nr. 329 din 2006, iar tu ai putea să te afli în situaţia de a le încălca acum.
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