Am gasit, uite aici, compania germana mentionata de asta cu websiteul este marcata ca SCAM, deci este fake!
uite aici:
"The easiest way to identify a website operated by Bin Estrella GmbH is to check whether the About Us, Contact Us, Terms & Conditions or Privacy Policy page has the below company information:
Company Name: Bin Estrella GmbH
Company Number: 064110000
Company Address: Pallaswiesenstraβe 180, 64293 Darmstadt’ Germany
The above information is usually formatted as an image to hide the company name from search engines. If you see Bin Estrella GmbH mentioned on the website or on your invoice/statement, there is a high likelihood that you may have fallen for a scam."
Asta-i un site nou-nout, facut acum in 2023, practic copiat dupa nemti, fiindca are pagina tradusa si unele copieri sunt chiar incorecte.
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