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Nu, ma refer la roseinformationapp
Deoarece este un domeniu inregistrat de numai cateva zile, pare DUBIOS si SUSPICIOS.
Iata ce am gasit:
"Roseinformationapp.com Review
The VLDTR® tool gives roseinformationapp.com one of the lowest ranks on the platform: 1.40. It signals that the business is Dubious. Very New. Suspicious.
There are many reasons for this minimal rating for now. We came up with the 1.40 rank according to a formula that aggregates 53 factors relevant to roseinformationapp.com 's industry. The algorithm used factors varying from the customer service in its Affiliate Programs sector all the way to the DA (Domain Authority).
However, the biggest issue is the fact that the domain name is too new. It was registered just a few days ago. This makes it unfeasible, for a new website to start the business, promote its services, get clients to acquire them, use them, and then submit reviews. All of this is just a few days. Well, hence the above-mentioned Dubious. Very New. Suspicious. tags.
But, we still gave roseinformationapp.com the benefit of the doubt. We do that for every new business. However, our algorithm still generated the 1.40 based on other factors relevant to the Affiliate Programs industry. They include - but are not limited to - negative social media feedback and Alexa rank."
Ma omule, întreabă-te doar : este prea frumos sa fie adevărat? Răspunsul este mai mereu DA. Nu-ți bate capul cu bălării din astea mai bine cauta îți un job daca vrei bani