Și dacă ai avea nevoie, de asta consideri relaxat că aici este locul unde ai putea obține așa ceva pentru o fundă. Sunt curios cine are o asemenea recenzie în buzunarul mic de la blugi pe stick și se repede să îți satisfacă ție nevoie moca. Pardon, pentru o fundă.
Caută pe aici câte ceva. Dar să știi. nu-mi trebuie funda ta.
Și am mai găsit și aceste comentariu.
The phrase that St. Anselm of Canterbury (c. 1033–1109) used to describe his philosophy—namely, "faith seeking reason" (fides quaerens intellectum)—well characterizes medieval philosophy as a whole. All the great medieval philosophers—Christian, Jewish, and Islamic alike—were also theologians. Virtually every object of interest was related to their belief in God, and virtually every solution to every problem, including the problem of knowledge, contained God as an essential part. Indeed, Anselm himself equated truth and intelligibility with God. As he noted at the beginning of his Proslogion (1077–78), however, there is a tension between the view that God is truth and intelligibility and the fact that humans have no perception of God. How can there be knowledge of God, he asks, when all knowledge comes through the senses and God, being immaterial, cannot be sensed? His answer is to distinguish between knowing something by being acquainted with it through sensation and knowing something through a description. Knowledge by description is possible using concepts formed on the basis of sensation. Thus, all knowledge of God depends upon the description that he is "the thing than which a greater cannot be conceived." From that premise Anselm infers, in his ontological argument for the existence of God, that humans can know that there exists a God that is all-powerful, all-knowing, all-just, all-merciful, and immaterial. Eight hundred years later the British philosopher Bertrand Russell would develop an epistemological theory based on a similar distinction between knowledge by acquaintance and knowledge by description, though he would have vigorously denied that the distinction could be used to show that God exists.
Mai caută și singur, că nici lui Google nu-i trebuie funda ta.
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