"CONSERVATIONIST "HUNTERS" NEED TO LOOK AT THE SPECIES CAUSING MOST HARM and if they are honest, they will say it is humans. now they should be the first to volunteer to eradicate the problem and volunteer for the cull. we are killing off more animals and making them extinct, than all animals combined. not to mention what we do to the planet and trees. HUMANS ARE ACTUALLY THE WORST NUISANCE SPECIES. Animal Freedom Fighter"
"STILL DELUSIONAL ENOUGH TO THINK YOU ARE THE TOP OF THE FOOD CHAIN? without a weapon you would not have a chance against so many species here. those that are born with teeth and claws, that can kill and tear at raw meat...so now, tell me again, how humans are born to be omnivores. the link below explains why we are not. HUMANS ARE BORN TO BE VEGAN. Animal Freedom Fighter"
"SERIAL KILLING POACHERS AND MENTALLY ILL ZOOSADIST "HUNTERS" MURDER whole families, when they murder for money and egotistical "trophy" kicks and we do not believe your self delusions that hunting is "conservationism". please, sign below, to help get them to back off and share widely by clicking on the gut wrenching picture. this must be made illegal, as must be all killing and enslavement of any animal. IT IS MURDER, IN THE FIRST DEGREE. thanks, Animal Freed"
"WE ARE USING FOURTEEN POUNDS OF PLANT FOOD FOR EVERY POUND OF MEAT that is murdered, and will kill us early, too. and 2000 gallons of water for that same amount of meat, and to produce a gallon of milk. that means you are harming others by choosing to eat foods that you do not need to eat and you are also harming the planet, with severe pollution. the link is below. if you really gave a damn about this planet and all life living here, YOU HAVE NO CHOICE BUT TO LIVE AS A VEGAN. Animal Freedom Fighter"
"A SCARED CHILD LOOKS FOR SIGNS OF DECENCY IN THE TERRORIST'S FACES, paid by corporations that sell their toxic products to us. please, sign and share below, so we can speak for these victims of cruel greed...and remember, it is your money they want. BOYCOTT ALL PRODUCTS THAT COME FROM ANIMAL ABUSE! thanks, Animal Freedom Fighters"
"A NEWLY BORN CHILD IS RIPPED FROM HIS MOTHER'S BREAST, INTO A DEN OF THIEVES, as he faces a jeering crowd of sub-human sadists, that are there to buy them as a slave, to be killed in a few weeks, if male, and the female children will be raped, and milked for one-fifth of their natural lives, then murdered. if this is not hell they have been born into, what is? we must make this horror for them become part of our barbaric history. VEGANISM IS AN IDEA, WHOSE TIME HAS COME. Animal Freedom Fighter"
"A HEART BREAKING PHOTO MONTAGE OF A SWALLOW FINDING THEIR PARTNER dead on the street and it shows just how acutely they feel emotions and grieve loss, as well. who are we to think only our species loves deeply? we must realize they too, care for their family and friends and think about our actions, concerning them...HARMING ANY BEINGS HARMS WHOLE COMMUNITIES. Animal Freedom Fighter"
"A HELPLESS LION IS DRUGGED, SO THAT HE CAN BE USED AS A PHOTO PROP, as the ignorant and heartless smile behind him. please, sign below, and share widely so we can close down this zoo in Argentina and help to stop the trophy killing of lions in Africa, on another petition and a last one, where they are trying to stop them from being caged, to be hunted. animals are not target practice, or our court jesters, for entertainment. FREE ALL THE SLAVES NOW AND PROTECT THEM! thanks, Animal Freedom Fighters"
"YOU SAY "GOD" WOULD NOT HAVE MADE ANIMALS FROM MEAT, if we were not supposed to eat them? news alert...you are made from meat too and because you were able to design weapons, that does not make you an apex predator. if you still believe "god" wants us to sacrifice animals and die early eating them, remember, "thou shall not kill?". you are confusing your entities. ACTUALLY, YOUR GOD IS SAAAAATAN. Animal Freedom Fighter"
"IF VEGANISM WAS A RELIGION, IT WOULD BE THE MOST PRODUCTIVE ONE, as it will make it so heaven is here, now. vegans are the pioneers to a highly compassionate and sustainable future. being dismissive of ideas that are visionary is not the sign of an open and critical mind...it shows you are suffering from cognitive dissonance. and please, do not make excuses, or distract yourself by how you perceive the message is being shared and attack the messenger. OPEN YOUR HEART TO THE IDEA OF LOVE & JUSTICE FOR ALL! Animal Freedom Fighter"
"DECENT PEOPLE ADMIT THEY WERE WRONG AND THEN MAKE IT RIGHT! Bob Comis like the "Mad Cowdoy" Howard Lyman, felt guilt for making money off the pain and suffering of his fellow Earthlings and now speaks for them, instead. we all came from a cult(ure) that indoctrinated us into believing animals are here for us to use, but so many of us found a way to free ourselves from the Meatrix. thanks, Bob for choosing the higher road. ALL ROADS OF LOVE LEAD TO VEGANISM. Animal Freedom Fighter"
"HELPLESS COWS THAT ARE EXPORTED ALIVE ARE SOMETIMES BLINDED, other times, they are bound, once on board and they are most often exported from Australia, and the UK. all this horror, so they cannot see what is going on, and will put up less of a struggle. when they export them from India, they use chili peppers instead. please, sign below, and share widely so we can speak against live export. and please, always remember, when you buy any animal products, you vote yes to animal cruelty. BOYCOTT ALL PRODUCTS THAT MAKE ANIMALS SUFFER! thanks, Animal Freedom Fighters"
"BIG MAMMA HAS ADOPTED A CHILD OF ANOTHER SPECIES and her little chickie is not thrilled that this new child, is getting all the warmth and love. just wait your turn, little one. if they can be so gracious, while enslaved and abused by humans, what is our excuse? THE ANIMALS ARE ACTUALLY OUR SPIRITUAL TEACHERS. Animal Freedom Fighter"
"A HELPLESS DOG THAT HAS BEEN BOILED ALIVE IS NOT QUITE DEAD, but will be soon, by bludgeoning. this is done to dogs, cats, pigs, chickens worldwide, in many countries. western countries hide the fact they do this to pigs and chickens in slaugherhouses. the eastern ones are more up front about it. the Yulin Death Festival is in progress, and the victims need us to speak up. please, sign below to try to help protect dogs from these horrors in Korea and China. keep withholding your money from all animal products, to stop it for other species, too! VOTE "NO" TO ANIMAL USE AND ABUSE, BUY VEGAN! thanks, Animal Freedom Fighters"
"HUMANS ARE NOT THE ONLY SPECIES ON THIS PLANET WITH INTRINSIC RIGHTS"and we need to stop acting like we are. we are also not the only species who wants to live with those we love. so we need to stop harming others, of other species and LET ALL LIVE AND LOVE, FREELY. Animal Freedom Fighter"
"IF YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT, THEN NOT EATING VIOLENCE MAKES YOU LESS VIOLENT it would seem, but the proof is in the pudding, the vegan pudding, that is. this study is an eye opener. Leo Tolstoy said, paraphrased: "we will not get rid of war, until we get rid of slaughterhouses". and it makes sense, that sanctioning violence to animals okays it for humans, too. WE CANNOT IGNORE THE FACT THAT VIOLENCE BREEDS VIOLENCE. Animal Freedom Fighter"
"WE MUST STOP BELIEVING WE ARE THE WHITE HATES. to the animals, we are devils, in disguise. killing animals for misguided and erroneous reasons and making excuses for it, so we feel better. anyone who pays for these hit men, by buying meat and dairy, are accomplices to these crimes. we can easily stop being so barbaric and become civilized. DO NOT BUY THE HELL, THEY SELL! Animal Freedom Fighter"
Că tot vorbeam de ipocrizie:
"ANIMALS LIVES MADE A LIVING HELL, FOR "YOUR" TWENTY MINUTE MEAL, you will just defecate, the next day...and if you buy their body parts, it makes you an accomplice, to these atrocities, all of it is unnecessary, as we living healthier lives, not eating them. please, think about how your food choices have consequences for so many innocent beings. VEGANISM HELPS STOP THE VIOLENCE. Animal Freedom Fighter"
Cred că cel mai mare coşmar al meu e când mă imaginez un animal non-uman, vulnerabil, terifiat, disperat şi neputincios, în mâinile unui sadist uman, pentru care asta e normalitate şi care nu se va opri din a mă tortura, orice aş face...chiar de aş putea face ceva.
"A TERRIFIED, HELPLESS SOUL LOOKS AT THE FACE OF HIS TERRORISTS, hoping to see any signs of compassion, but these junk scientists are paid by Big Pharma and they do not care for his feelings. please, sign below, and share widely and keep boycotting all products that come from animal use and abuse. to call ourselves civilized, TERRORISM MUST STOP TOWARDS ANIMALS, TOO. thanks, Animal Freedom Fighters"
"SO MANY CLAIM THAT EATING DEAD BEINGS IS SANCTIONED BY "THEIR" CHURCH, yet they believe they think for themselves. harming other beings, when not needed, is a universal crime. humans not only do not need to eat meat, it kills us early. stop letting anyone or anything tell you who to love and who to eat! ALL SENTIENT LIFE DESERVES TO BE FREE FROM OUR HARM. Animal Freedom Fighter"
"A KISS BEFORE DYING, FOR ANOTHER OF MY K-I-N-D! these two victims of discrimination are on death row. their crime? being born a pig, in a place and time that sees them as "consumable" and they are seeking comfort from each other in this concentration camp set up to supply the "substance of choice" to bacon junkies. remember, it is not really a choice, when there is a victim! IT IS NOT FOOD, IT IS AN INJUSTICE!"
"WHEN YOUR HEART IS INTER-CONNECTED WITH THOSE OF OTHERS, because it has not closed down, you can feel their pain and suffering, as well as their joy. and this Animal Holocaust we are now perpetuating is causing too much sorrow for those it is happening to, and those who care. let them feel joy! CLOSE DOWN THE SLAUGHTERHOUSES, NOT YOUR HEARTS!"
"A CHILD WILL NOT LEAVE THEIR DEAD MOTHER'S SIDE, AS THE OTHERS FEEL HER PAIN...in the herd she is part of this horror at the hands of poaching sadists, is happening so often, that the elephants will be gone soon. so many species are disappearing at an alarming rate. for elephants, it is dire. please, sign below, and share widely to help protect these gentle souls and others in the wild. those of us that love them and care are their only hope. WE MUST STOP PERPETUATING THIS SIXTH MASS EXTINCTION. thanks, Animal Freedom Fighters."
"EYES LOOKING OUT INTO A WORLD THAT HAS DISCRIMINATED AGAINST THEM, as the brainwashing propaganda has made them murder victims of hate crimes. there are more animals being killed right now, in five days, than all humans in our recorded history. taking offense to the comparison, is just more discrimination. many who have survived the Holocaust have spoken against this current one. ALL SENTIENT LIFE MUST BE PROTECTED FROM GENOCIDE. Animal Freedom Fighter"