Întrebare recomandată | NOname a întrebat:

Cât de sănătos mâncaţi?
Vă propun pentru vizionare şi reflectare documentarul lui Michal Siewierski "Food Choices". Filmul întreg îl puteţi găsi aici, la comentarii, postat de Sorana Popescu: 6175
Provocăm suferinţă în masă, ca să ne îmbolnăvim, să poluăm mediul înconjurător şi să îmbogăţim corporaţiile care profită de ignoranţa noastră. Pentru cea mai inteligentă specie de pe Pământ nu părem foarte inteligenţi, nu-i aşa?
Dacă ar fi să faceţi o schimbare în dieta voastră (şi nu numai), cu ce aţi începe? (Eu una, mă gândesc serios să renunţ şi la ouă, lactate şi peşte. Nu realizam pe deplin care sunt daunele consumului lor. Dacă aveţi argumente pro şi/sau contra, aş fi curioasă să le studiez.)
Ce părere aveţi cu privire la acest subiect în general?
Dacă cineva are şi alte studii ştiinţifice legate de această temă, le poate posta aici. Mulţumesc.

617 răspunsuri:
| NOname explică:

"AN OVERWORKED "CARRIAGE" HORSE IS HIT BY A CAR ON THE STREETS OF NYC and still, people are buying rides from these abused gentle souls. please, sign below and share widely, to get carriage rides to stop there. and keep your money in your pockets. DO NOT PAY THOSE THAT MAKE ANIMALS THEIR MEAL TICKET! thanks, Animal Freedom Fighters"

| NOname explică:

"HUNTING FOR HUMANS CAN ONLY BE CALLED A "SPORT" if both sides are on an even playing field, and have weapons. if conservationism is what you believe you are doing, then you need to hunt humans. we are the species causing the most damage on this planet. although the vegans cause the least. better yet, to have integrity, you should volunteer to be culled. HUMANS ARE THE WORST NUISANCE SPECIES OF ALL! Animal Freedom Fighter"

| NOname explică:

"INTELLIGENCE, MUST ALWAYS BE TEMPERED BY WISDOM for it not to become destructive. the power hunger that are clever, only find ways to take advantage of the powerless. if they lack empathy for those at their merci, our job is to reconnect with our hearts, that have been closed by a sick society and let our children stay connected to theirs. ALL ROADS OF COMPASSION LEAD TO VEGANISM. Animal Freedom Fighter"

| NOname explică:

"YOUR PURCHASING POWER IS WHAT KILLED THIS SWEET CHILD. all because you demand the food that she was meant to eat and it will end up killing you early, too...and all her powerless mother can do is mourn her loss in A DEN OF DAIRY THIEVES FUNDED BY THE THOUGHTLESS. Animal Freedom Fighter"

| NOname explică:

"HATEFUL VENGANCE IS TAKEN OUT ON A PIG THAT HARMED A HUMAN, but how many humans are harming pigs, every day? in factory farm death camps, anger and sadism is taken out on the animals daily. please, sign and share below, to help make sure this stops. and remember, they can get away with it, because so many pay for them to do their dirty work. BOYCOTT ALL ANIMAL PRODUCTS, FIRE THE ANIMAL TERRORISTS! thanks, Animal Freedom Fighters"

| NOname explică:

""YOUR" EGGS CONTRIBUTE TO THIS MASS INFANTICIDE, that happens every day in factory farm death camps and all of this kills us early, too. a link is below. stop using animals bodies so you can commit a slow suicide! leave animals off the menu! YOUR IDEAS OF FOOD SHOULD NOT BE FORCED ONTO THEM. Animal Freedom Fighter"

| NOname explică:

"SO MANY COMPARE COMPASSIONATE VEGANS TO RELIGIOUS ZEALOTS, but, in actuality, we are the opposite. we are not asking you to worship anyone, but to treat all as equals. and instead of waiting for a heaven, we are trying to create it here, now. heaven can't wait. ONLY VEGANISM WILL CHANGE THIS HELL ON EARTH. Animal Freedom Fighter"

| NOname explică:

"WE MAY HAVE HAD TO HUNT DURING THE ICE AGE, but now, we have so many options, when it comes to food and clothing. stop living like the cave dwellers of our past! we have moved out of the caves, we no longer have to eat or kill any animals. TO HELP CIVILIZE THIS PLANET, LET THE ANIMALS BE! Animal Freedom Fighter"

| NOname explică:

"THE MILK IN YOUR COFFEE WAS STOLEN FROM A SCARED CHILD just like this one and it is the reason they will never see their mothers again. do not think it is shared with those it is meant to nurture. these children are killed at birth, if not healthy enough to stand, or they become dairy slaves themselves, if they are female, or vile veal, if they are male. you are the reason they suffer, if you use dairy and it will kill you early, too. live vegan and USE MILK ALTERNATIVES TO STOP CALF ABUSE! Animal Freedom Fighter"

| NOname explică:

"YOUR CHOICES ARE NOT PERSONAL ONES, IF THEY AFFECT OTHERS. eating meat and dairy uses too much resources. 14 pounds of plant food, per pound of meat and 2000 gallons of water. if you cannot find it in your heart, to care about the animal victims because of your "personal choice", WHY NOT TRY CARING ABOUT THE HUNGRY? Animal Freedom Fighter"

| NOname explică:

"VEGANS ARE ON THE ONES TRYING TO RIGHT A WRONG that we have lived for so long. so many cannot look past the brainwashing of those years. animals were never meant to be our food, clothing or slaves. and we have failed at our moral test of treating them as brothers and sisters. it is time we make amends and become STEWARDS FOR THE ANIMALS AND THIS PLANET. Animal Freedom Fighter"

| NOname explică:

"WHO ARE WE TO TAKE THEIR SKINS AND LIVES? so we can show off to our petty friends. please, sign below and share to help stop this horror for so many of our fur bearing friends. FUR IS DEAD AND MAKES US UGLY, TO THE BONE. thanks, Animal Freedom Fighters"

| NOname explică:

"THOSE THAT ARE BORN TO EAT MEAT, EAT IT RAW, after they killed with their long claws and extra long canine teeth and after outrunning another animal. their acidic saliva would be able to break it down, upon chewing. and their intestines are short so that it does not have to sit in their stomach, for long, this causes to many diseases. do you get it yet? HUMANS WERE BORN TO BE VEGAN. Animal Freedom Fighter"

| NOname explică:

"AN IMPRESSIONABLE CHILD TAUGHT AT SUCH A YOUNG AGE TO HATE AND KILL and the trophy hunting conventions are where they are primed. this is how the killer of Cecil started, probably. please, sign below, to help stop this glorifying of murder and share widely, keep sharing the truth! HUNTING FOR HUMANS IS MURDER, IN THE FIRST DEGREE! thanks, Animal Freedom Fighters"

| NOname explică:

"URGENT! WHEN WE ALLOW THIS GLORIFYING OF THE SICK PSYCHO KILLERS, their victims are left at their merc-y. please, speak for them by signing and sharing below for the wolves of Idaho and all of the USA and keep spreading the new paradigm. ALL KILLING MUST NOW BE VIEWED AS MURDER. thanks, Animal Freedom Fighters"

| NOname explică:

"A CRIMINALLY INSANE PSYCHO KILLER LAUGHS CRAZILY, POSING NEXT TO HER VICTIM with the dog she used to help find and murder this young, majestic black bear. the dog could have gotten hurt, too. please, sign and share to help protect the black bears from the real barbaric nuisance here. conservationists with brains all agree HUMANS ARE THE REAL PEST, SAVE THE BEARS FROM THEM. thanks, Animal Freedom Fighters"

| NOname explică:

"DOGS, PIGS, CHICKENS, LOBSTERS AND OTHER VICTIMS OF MEAT ADDICTS ARE BOILED ALIVE in so many countries and so many still believe their country is "civilized"...we do not have to look far to see that all countries are guilty of animal torture and murder. are you part of the solution? VEGANISM IS WHAT WILL STOP THE BARBARITY! Animal Freedom Fighter"

| NOname explică:

"This is sad when a cow had to stop this stabbing. Even a cow can tell something isn't right. We say "stop acting like an animal" when things go wrong, but clearly we sometimes act worse than animals!"

| NOname explică:

"THIS BRAVE COW DEFENDED HER FRIEND, WHOSE CHILD WAS BEING STOLEN by diary thieves and killers. these docile beings will stand up if they know another is too afraid to. a video is there showing this. and now, another video has been released showing a cow attacking two men that killed a woman, in India, in a sick and horrific apparent "honour killing". think animals do not care or have feelings like humans? think again, as they are even protecting them from other humans. ANIMALS WILL SACRIFICE THEIR SAFETY, FOR HELP OTHERS! Animal Freedom Fighter"

| NOname explică:

"OVER TWO THOUSAND GALLONS OF WATER IS NEEDED to produce a pound of meat, and a gallon of milk. and now, this overuse of our resources has caused water scarcity for half the people on this planet. the link is below. please, think about the consequences of your actions. MEAT & DAIRY USE AND ABUSE TOO MUCH TO BE SUSTAINABLE. Animal Freedom Fighter"

| NOname explică:

"HANAKO, THE LONE AND DEPRESSED ELEPHANT IN A JAPANESE ZOO, HAS DIED after 60 years of isolation. a link is below. and now we must tell them to not get another one to make suffer. please sign and share below, so we can speak for these incredible beings that are being imprisoned for our "education". the only thing any zoo or circus has taught humans is ANIMALS DO NOT DO WELL IN CAPTIVITY. thanks, Animal Freedom Fighters"

| NOname explică:

"SKAKESPEARE WAS RIGHT, HELL IS EMPTY, ALL THE DEVILS ARE HERE! and they are human. what else can explain this barbarity unleashed on defenseless seals? please, sign below, and share widely to voice your outrage at this carnage and keep speaking the new think. ALL SLAUGHTER OF ANIMALS IS MURDER, WITH INTENT. thanks, Animal Freedom Fighters"

| NOname explică:

"MANY CLAIM THAT CALLING THIS ATROCITY A HOLOCAUST trivializes what happened to humans, in our past, but if you look at these numbers, you will see that, in actuality, we are killing so many more animals, and have been for eons and now, more than ever. withhold your support of this current Holocaust, because if it was us, you would want the same. TO GET COMPASSION, YOU MUST GIVE COMPASSION. Animal Freedom Fighter"