Exista nenumarate marturii care confirma existenta fenomenului NDE.
"Lipsa de oxigen face neuronii sa-si dezbine conectiunile, deci halucinatiile sunt imposibile in acest caz."
Cunoasterea teoretica se pliaza pe cunoasterea empirica, nu invers. Adica daca ai anumite teorii care prezic un rezultat ce nu coincide cu realitate renunti la acele teorii, nu la realitate.
Din moment ce fenomenul NDE exista rezulta ca ce spui acolo trebuie sa fie fals.
Daca spui ca merele nu "cad in jos" pentru ca tu ai o demosntratie teoretica ce dovedeste asta, inseamna ca esti idiot. Empiricul e in varful piramidei stiintifice. Dăăă. Destul de normal.
Nu mai folosi cuvinte pe care nu le intelegi. Ti se pare ca se vrea a fi o urma de scepticism in ce am spus eu?
"Scepticism -Atitudine de neîncredere, de îndoială față de cineva sau de ceva".
Raspunsul meu nu este unul bazat pe scepticism, cu atat mai putin "pseudosceptic". Sunt doar fapte.
1. Exista nenumarate marturii care confirma existenta fenomenului NDE. Asta e un fapt.
2.Ce ai spus tu era fals, ti-am dat sursa di ncare rezulta asta. Asta e tot un fapt.
3.Cunoasterea teoretica se pliaza pe cunoasterea empirica, nu invers. Alt fapt. (Dăăă)
P.S.: Cand proful de mate iti da patru pentru ca in lucrare ai scris 2+2=5 el nu este sceptic cu privire la raspunsul tau.
Îmi place categoria asta deoarece unii participanții inventează noțiuni și nonensuri iar ceilalți participanții se ocupă cu prezentarea definițiilor din DEX. (iar cei care întreabă se satură de citit și apoi întreabă din nou același lucru)
P.S.: poate ai vrut să zici: Cand proful de mate iti da patru pentru ca in lucrare ai scris 2+2=5 el nu este PSEUDOsceptic cu privire la raspunsul tău. (doar ziceam...)
Simplu. O halucinatie este un obiect al minții tale. Mintea ta este tot ceea ce percepi fie cand esti treaz,fie cand nu esti. Faptul că în comă esti rupt de realitate,de lume,nu inseamna ca nu poti halucina. Din contra. În comă, esti pus fata in fata cu subconștientul adică cu mintea ta si tot ce ai strâns de a lungul timpului. Moartea, în schimb, te rupe atât de realitate cat si de propria minte. Nu, nu poti demonstra că după moarte exista viata cand noi nu putem analiza nici lumea din care facem parte acum si nu putem explica nici propria minte.
Psychology Today - "Do NDEs suggest that there is life after death? I would only say that they suggest that there may be an initial continuation of consciousness after physical death. "
Psychologist John Gibbs states:
"NDE accounts from varied times and cultures were found to be more orderly, logical, defined and predictable than comparable accounts from drug or illness-induced hallucination. Impressive data from Tart, Moody and Carl Becker also argue for the objective elements of an NDE, including returning with knowledge later verified and third-party observations of odd death-bed phenomena (such as luminosity or apparitions)."
Neuropsychiatrist Peter Fenwick, describes the difference between the NDE and hallucinations:
"The difficulty with those theories is that when you create these wonderful states by taking drugs, you're conscious. In the NDE, you are unconscious. One of the things we know about brain function in unconsciousness, is that you cannot create images and if you do, you cannot remember them."
Fenwick describes the unconscious state of the NDE:
"The brain isn't functioning. It's not there. It's destroyed. It's abnormal. But, yet, it can produce these very clear experiences... an unconscious state is when the brain ceases to function. For example, if you faint, you fall to the floor, you don't know what's happening and the brain isn't working. The memory systems are particularly sensitive to unconsciousness. So, you won't remember anything. But, yet, after one of these experiences (an NDE), you come out with clear, lucid memories... This is a real puzzle for science. I have not yet seen any good scientific explanation which can explain that fact."
Dr. Kenneth Ring, the leading figure in NDE studies has this to say:
"Drugs, anesthesia and medication did not seem to be a factor in inducing these impressions and exquisite feelings of an NDE. Indeed, drugs and anesthesia seemed to be more likely to cause a person to forget memories of an NDE."
Dr. Jeffrey Long states:
"One concern of NDE skeptics is the concept of a dual physical and spiritual life presence, with the spiritual presence surviving bodily death. The physical presence is easily discernable, while the spiritual presence is generally not easily discernable. It is very helpful to personally have an NDE or NDE-like experience to address such concerns. For virtually all NDErs, an NDE cures NDE disbelief. However, only approximately 4% of the United States adult population have a personal history of NDEs. Others find they are opened to the possibility of a dual physical/spiritual life presence through other spiritually transformative life events.
"These life experiences may include, but are not limited to, markedly serendipitous events, other personal paranormal experiences, and acceptance of other people's accounts of their spiritually transformative experiences. I personally believe that if such spiritually transformative experiences are sincerely sought, they are likely to be encountered. NDE research is somewhat unique due to the subjective nature of the experience. This subjectivity precludes certain conventional scientific methods of studying NDEs, such as replicating NDEs or studying physical changes associated with the experience.
"This inability to study NDEs via certain accepted methods of conventional scientific verification results in the need for some element of faith to accept the reality of NDEs. I think this necessary element of faith is a problem for many people in accepting the reality and significance of NDEs. Mitigating against this concern is the fact that NDEs are relatively common. Millions of people have had NDEs. NDEs are quite varied, but the consistency of the NDE elements (OBE experience, tunnel, light, meeting other beings, etc.) is striking. There is no plausible biological explanation of NDEs. There is no other human experience so dramatic, shared by so many people, and so relatively consistent in its elements. The preceding suggests faith in the validity of NDE accounts is the most reasonable conclusion from the evidence."
Dr. Stanislav Grof agrees:
"I had my training as a psychiatrist, a physician and then as a Freudian analyst. When I became interested in non-ordinary states and started serving powerful mystical experiences, also having some myself, my first idea was that it (consciousness) has to be hard-wired in the brain. I spent quite a bit of time trying to figure out how something like that is possible.
"Today, I came to the conclusion that it is not coming from the brain. In that sense, it supports what Aldous Huxley believed after he had some powerful psychedelic experiences and was trying to link them to the brain. He came to the conclusion that maybe the brain acts as a cand of reducing valve that actually protects us from too much cosmic input. So, I don't see, for example, that experiences of archetypal realms, heavens, paradises, experiences of archetypal beings, such as deities, demons from different cultures, that people typically have in these states that they can be somehow explained as something that comes from the brain. I don't think you can locate the source of consciousness. I am quite sure it is not in the brain not inside of the skull. "It actually, according to my experience, would lie beyond time and space, so it is not localizable. You actually come to the source of consciousness when you dissolve any categories that imply separation: individuality, time, space and so on. You just experience it as a presence.
"People who have these experiences can either perceive that source or they can actually become the source, completely dissolved and experience that source. But such categories as time and space, localization coordinates, are not relevant for that experience. You actually have a sense that the concepts of time and space come from that place. They are generated by that place; but, the cosmic source itself, the cosmic consciousness cannot be located certainly not in the material world."
Buna ziua!
Pentru aceia pusi pe cearta, haideti sa nu mai folosim internet bullingul si sa incercam sa ne demonstram calitatea elevata a existentei prin a arunca niste replici.Sunt domenii superiore si inca nesigure, in cazul acesta, exista o imensa sansa sa nu detinem adevarul in ceea ce sustinem si tocmai de-asta, va propun un exercitiu de comunicare.Haideti sa fim mai deschisi si mai intelegatori cu privire la subiectul principal.Superior a pus cateva intrebari. Daca nu esti sau nu sunteti in stare sa va exprimati opinia intr-o modalitate calma, atunci eu cu atat mai mult nu am cum sa va ajut nemultumirile. Legat de intrebari, exista un "drog" secretat in mod natural de creierul nostru prin intermediul hormonilor, numit DMT.Ca drog, este cunoscut pentru conferirea halucinatiilor si a unor experienta supraomenesti.Acest hormon este secretat in mod natural de creier in anumite situatii, cum ar fi meditatiile profunde, de tip theta si visele.Aici ar putea fi explicate de ce stimularea faimoasei glande pineale, denumita si "al treilea ochi" poate conferi viziuni si perceperi ale unor niveluri energetice fluctuante, pe care mintea umana nu le poate percepe in mod normal.In cazul haluciantiilor, viziunilor, viselor sau oricum ar fi numite, rolul DMT-ului din creier este prin urmare, foarte mare.
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