Varianta spazuratori este mai placuta, in cazul auto-spanzurari inainte sa-ti dai duhul ejaculezi si mori excitat(atentie nu este gluma) insa eu am spus varianta mai placuta, cum a murit Iuda nu se stie, ca de la evanghelisti ce sa intelegi, fiecare cu bazaconiile si parascoveniile lui.
Sa nu mai spuneti la nimeni dar... niciuna din variante nu e adevarata, Iuda a murit dintr-o Supradoza . I-ar fi stricat reputatia daca s-ar fi aflat, si nah
Qur'an 4:157
"That they said in boast, "We killed Christ Jesus the son of Mary, the Messenger of Allah.;- but they killed him not, nor crucified him, but so it was made to appear to them, and those who differ therein are full of doubts, with no certain knowledge, but only conjecture to follow, for of a surety they killed him not."
Coranul nu aduce mai multe lamuriri dar unele clarificari ulterioare arata ca de fapt Iuda a murit pe cruce in locul lui Iisus iar lumea a fost indusa in eroare de asemanarea fizica a celor doi.
,, Nu stiu daca ai vazut filmul Patimile lui Iisus, dar acolo arata foarte clar ca Iuda s-a sinucis, iar filmul ala e bazat pe fapte reale.decis s-a sinucis prin spanzurare ''
Day, eu am vazut Harry potter, si acolo Iuda se droga la greu. Iar daca eu AM VAZUT IN FILM, atunci asa este, s-a drogat si a murit ars pe rug.De cand un film tine loc de realitate? Si mai ales ca era un film artistic nu unul documentar.Realitatea este ca Iisus nu s-a sacrificat pentru nimeni, ci a fost ARESTAT, JUDECAT si CONDAMNAT! Si este o mare diferenta, intre a te judeca pentru niste fapte ILEGALE si a te sacrifica.
Iuda s-a spazurat. ce a zis Pavel adica,, 18. Deci acesta a dobândit o ţarină din plata nedreptăţii şi, căzând cu capul înainte, a crăpat pe la mijloc şi i s-au vărsat toate măruntaiele. Pavel a vb cu sub inteles, de fapt cand a zis ca a cazut cu capu inaintesi spart, de fapt a spus ca iuda s-a grabit fara gndeasca atunci cand l-a vandut pe Iisus.
Ia mars d-aici cu versetele tale. Nu vezi ca n-ai succes? Deja ne seci. Pana la anul termini biblia
Raspunsuri de la cei cu adevarat informati sau crestini nu aici gasesti, chiar si doar de dragul contrazicerii. Biblia e scrisa de atatia, fiecare cu varianta lui. Ca si istoria, biblia e doar o scriere subiectiva. Biserica a avut un anumit scop, pe care si l-a atins. Mai e tulburata cateodata cu vreo descoperire sau ceva, insa linistea revine iar si iar. si lumea se duce la biserica doar cu speranta ca ceva, o putere supranaturala ii va ajuta, pentru ca ei au nevoie de speranta, omul de rand sau taranul nu are timp si nici inteligenta necesara pentru a studia in amanunt biblia, doar4 retine ce zice preotul, ce a mai auzit de pe la bunici, si e de ajuns. Am mai zis, inca nu stiu cum de a tinut chiar si cu atatea ''greseli'' in ''literatura'' de baza. Am avea nevoie de un al doilea Iluminism, poate de data asta functioneaza.
Cum de ai atata rabdare sa citesti biblia? si mai incerci sa o intelegi.
Daca vrei dezbateri adevarate, incearca in alta parte, aici deja nu-si mai are rostul. Erau inainte niste useri activi care te-ar fi ajutat, insa acum - nicio sansa. Succes in continuare cu deslusirea miracolelor biblice!
Eu nu inteleg de unde ai luat faza cu "i s-au vărsat toate măruntaiele." eu n-am gasit in Biblie unde scrie asa ceva...imi poti zice si mie?
Cauta la Faptele Apostolilor capitolul 1 versetul 18!
Iuda s-a spâmzurat in locul numit Hacheldamah.
Chiar inainte sa isi dea duhul, funia i s-a rupt si a cazut pe o piatra, astfel ranindu-se atat de tare incat maruntaiele i-au curs
"Some people have wrongly assumed that Matthew and Luke (the author of Acts) are contradictory in their account of Judas’ death. Since the Bible is inerrant Judas cannot have died by hanging and died by falling and bursting open. Rather they are two different viewpoints of the same event. For example, if I saw a car hit a pedestrian, I might simply say that the pedestrian died because they were hit by the car. The coroner who came on the scene later but did not actually see the accident might give a graphic description of the injuries to the pedestrian. Both the coroner and I are describing the same event just different aspects of it.
Matthew tells us that Judas died by hanging (death is inferred from the passage). Luke, being a doctor, gives us a graphic description of what occurred following the hanging. The reason for ordering the events as such is twofold. First, if someone has fallen and their internal organs spilled out they would die and so could not subsequently die from hanging. Secondly, even when people suffer bad falls they do not usually burst open and have their internal organs spill out. The skin is very tough and even when cut in the abdominal area their internals do not usually spill out. Thus, it is unlikely that Judas could die in this manner merely from falling.
Gruesome as it is, Judas’ dead body hung in the hot sun of Jerusalem, and the bacteria inside his body would have been actively breaking down tissues and cells. A byproduct of bacterial metabolism is often gas. The pressure created by the gas forces fluid out of the cells and tissues and into the body cavities. The body becomes bloated as a result. In addition, tissue decomposition occurs compromising the integrity of the skin. Judas’ body was similar to an overinflated balloon, and as he hit the ground (due to the branch he hung on or the rope itself breaking) the skin easily broke and he burst open with his internal organs spilling out.
There is no contradiction surrounding Judas’ death; rather, merely two descriptions given by two different authors of the same event."
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