Da bre trebuie sa i faci o verificare de sunet... (cauta in manual)
To set iTunes to play songs at the same volume level:
1 In iTunes, choose iTunes > Preferences if you’re using a Mac, or choose Edit >
Preferences if you’re using a Windows PC.
2 Click Playback and select Sound Check.
To set iPod shuffle to use the iTunes volume settings:
1 Connect iPod shuffle to your computer.
2 In iTunes, select iPod shuffle in the list of devices.
3 Click the Summary tab.
4 Select Enable Sound Check.
5 Click Apply.
If you haven’t turned on Sound Check in iTunes, setting it on iPod shuffle has no effect
daca nici aia nu merge iti trebuie asa ceva http://2.bp.blogspot.com/......_thumb.jpg :)
De anul trecut, parca, exista o lege care limiteaza decibelii pentru chestile portabile, la care, din cate am observat, intra si castile, asa sunt facute, am comparat o pereche veche cu una noua...