Pai : Apart from basic arithmetic, a lot of what is taught in maths is a waste of time because we d'ont need those exercises in our day to day life. Do we have some life issues that can be solved with fractions or Pitagora's law? No, there aren't :).
Basic arithmetic helps us to keep our accounts, to administrate our money and possessions. In that way we will always know how many money do we have, if we are broke or in debts.
But the rest that we learn at maths is useless, and you don't need to know math, you can get by for your entire life just fine without it.
Many people have a bad opinion about it and they think that the teachers teach math all wrong in school. We know that a lot of students don't understand it because of the teacher or they just don't like it.
Sper sa te ajute, daca am greseli sunt fara intentie :), am gasit si ceva interesant pe blogul acestui tip :
Salut. am avut si eu o astfel de scrisoare de facut in clasa a 10-a, dar am pierdut caietul. Pot sa iti dau cateva idei pentru referatul tau: e simplu, in afara de matematica elementara, tot ceea ce e in plus cum ar fi trigonometria, ecuatile de gradul 2, alogritimi nu isi au rostul in viata multora dintre noi. Nu avem nevoie sa stim sa rezolvam alogritmi si ecuatii atunci cand mergem la cumparaturi, trebuie doar sa stim matematica elementara, corect?
Deasemnea, matematica elementara e cea care are cea mai mare influenta in viata oamenilor de rand(oameni obisnuiti). Cam astea sunt ideile mele, nu sunt super faine, dar sper sa iti foloseasca macar ceva din ce am scris. Succes!
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