Is the theory of qi energy and energy meridians science or fiction? Some of you have emailed me with excitement proclaiming that you can feel the qi energy in your palms after practicing Tai Chi Qigong Shibashi. Actually, qi energy can be felt, not only in the palms of your hands, but in every part of your body. Furthermore, I have some students who can even see the qi coming out from their finger tips with their naked eyes.
Is this phenomena real or a product of one’s imagination? When you dissect a human being, you are not able to see any qi energy or energy meridians (the channels of qi). But let me ask you a question. Are you able to see or feel radio waves, microwaves or magnetic fields? We cannot see or feel them but we know they exist through scientific experiments. In the past 30 years, numerous experiments have proven the existence and uncovered the properties of qi.
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Sa-l controlezi pe qi?
nu cred ca abordarea e una constructiva. vei sfarsi cu mintea praf.