| Maria_2969 a întrebat:

Ma puteti ajuta in traducere unei compuneri din romana in engleza? am numai 2 si 3 la engleza iar profa mi a zis ca daca nu scriu compunerea asta in teza ma lasa pe vara. teza o am martia aceasta. va rog sa nu folositi google pentru ca nu traduce cum trebuie. mc foarte multe, vara si viitorul meu depind de aceasta compunere tradusa corect.

compunerea este :

Sunt de parere ca aparitia unui model este importanta deoarecea fizicul acestuia dau hainelor un plus de valoare si le fac mai frumoase. Cu toate acestea moda nu inseamna nimic pentru mine deoarece prefer hainele simple si comode.

Sunt de parere ca un model nu are nevoie de cunostinte superioare pentru a se pimba pe o scena.

Toate modelele sunt oameni simpli care se diferentiaza de noi prin aspectul fizic. Dar nu stii cat de greu e pana ce nu incerci.

Mc inca o data

10 răspunsuri:
| AleandraIleana98 a răspuns:

I think that the apperence of one model is important because the physical of she give a value at her clothes and make them more beautiful.However the fashion doesn`t mean nothing for me because i agree the clothes simple and convenient.

I think that a model doesn`t need superior knowledge to walk on the scene.

All the modeles are simple people which differentiates us in physical appearance.But you don`t know how dificil is until to try.

| beauty_7895 a răspuns:

Imi pare rau dar chiar e foarte greu.

| BiscuiteCuCiocolataa a răspuns:

I think about apparition of a model it`s important because looks of that model gives a plus of amount and makes the clothes more beautiful. With all these the fashion doesn`t mean nothing for me because I prefer casual and simple clothes.
I am agree that a model doesn`t need senior studies for walk on a stage.
All the models are simple people who are differnt than us just for their look.But you don`t know how hard is if you don`t try.
*De obicei nu sunt de acord cu intrebarile astea in sensul ca sa iti facem noi tema dar daca e cu tradus love struck atunci te ajut.O sa iei cel putin 9 p tema asta pentru ca eu am 10 p linie la engleza.Ma rog, aproape 10 p linie.Nu am folosit google translate fii linistita :d. Bafta la engleza.

| Analy a răspuns:

I think that the appearance of a physical model is important because it gives value to clothes and make them more beautiful. However fashion is nothing for me because I prefer simple and comfortable clothes.

I think that a model does not require superior knowledge to pimba on stage.

All models are ordinary people who differ from us in appearance. But you know how hard it is until you try.


| NoNaMe_7575 a răspuns:

I think that the appearance of a physical model is important because it gives a value clothes and make them more beautiful. However fashion is nothing for me because I prefer simple and comfortable clothes.

I think that a model does not require superior knowledge to pimba on stage.

All models are ordinary people who are different from us in appearance. But I know how hard it is to not try.]\

sau pe google translatewinking
Sper ca te-am ajutat

| ihaterain a răspuns:

Ar trebui sa iei in brate un dictionar si sa te pui pe tradus. daca iti face altcineva temele nu o sa inveti niciodata engleza si vei avea mare nevoie pe viitor de cel putin doua limbi straine. poti sa zici ca sunt rea, dar asta e adevarul happy

| PeStraziGoale a răspuns:

Think emergence of a model is its important deoarecea give him a clothing plus value and make them more beautiful. However fashion means nothing for me because I prefer simple clothes and his. Think a model does not need superior knowledge for the pimba on a stage. All the models are simple people who are distinguishable by the new appearance physically. But do not know how hard it is until you try.

| anonim_4396 a răspuns:

I think that the appearence of a model is important because her physical gives glothes more value and make them more beautiful.
However for me the fashion means nothing because I prefer the clothes simple and convenient

I think that a model does not need of superior knowledge to stroll on stage

All the models are ordinary people who are different from us in appearence. But I don't know how hard it is to not try

Bafta la engleza. Ceau :*

| CrisDdf a răspuns:

I think that the appearance of a physical model is important because it gives a value clothes and make them more beautiful. However fashion is nothing for me because I prefer simple and comfortable clothes.

I think that a model does not require superior knowledge to stroll on stage.

All models are ordinary people who are different from us in appearance. But you don't know how hard it is before you try.

| Elena-Roxana_Grigore_1999 a răspuns:

Sincer tu ca si fata sa ai 2 si 3 nu mi se pare ceva corect pe baieti ii mai crezi dar pe o fata...doh.