Phisics of the impossible - Michio Kaku
Phisics of the future - Michio Kaku
The greatest show on earth - Richard Dawkins
The god delusion - Richard Dawkins
A briefer history of time - Stephen Hawking
Climbing mount improbable - Richard Dawkins
The blind Watchmaker - Richard Dawkins
WHi do people believe weird things - Michael Shermer
The grand design - Stephen Hawking
Astea sunt foarte bune pentru inceput!
@Ionait Am vazut documentarul cu Stephe Hawking despre univers.
@Apache Am vazut documentar si cu Van Daniken.
Daca te intereseaza Universul si tot ce inseamna el, te sfatuiesc sa citesti cartile lui Stephen Hawking. Intr-adevar, sunt destul de greu de procurat, dar merita.
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