Incendiile vor fi stinse si nu vor cauza incalzirea, ele sunt doar o consecinta a incalzirii. O data cu incalzirea globala sansele sa vedem incendii de vegetatie cresc.
Daca trendul continua nu vom fi noi cei care vor prinde schimbarile drastice, probabil vor fi copii nostri sau nepotii. Ideea e ca aceste schimbari sunt lente si efectele drastice se vor vedea in multi ani, motivul pentru care multe tari incearca sa le rezolve de acum este ca poate am putea sa mai scadem din efecte.
In cazul nostru, depinde foarte mult cum va afecta incalzirea globala curentii din golful mexicului (pentru ca asta nu stiu) care aduc apa calda in atlanticul de nord si sunt responzabili de mare parte din ploile din europa. Daca vor fi afectati si nivelul precipitatiilor va scadea, o sa fie cald si arid dar nu neaparat desert, pentru a ajunge acolo ai nevoie si de variatii de temperatura intre zi si noapte.
Hai sa nu dramatizam, desigur ca e grav ca arde amazonul dar focul va fi oprit in curand, Romania nu e langa brazilia sa fie atat de multa drama, mai rau e ca daca Romania ramane fara paduri atunci e dramatic, cat despre caldura e ceva normal, las ca va veni iarna si o sa ne coste caldura
Incendiile de vegetație, chiar dacă sunt de amploare mare, nu ajung să aibă impact asupra încălzirii globale.
Să plantăm palmieri chiar nu. Am o anecdotă despre încălzirea globală. Sunt zone din Rusia unde până acum, iarna erau temperaturi de minus 50 de grade Celsius. Acum, spunea un localnic de acolo la o cafenea din Roma, că s-a încălzit și pe la ei iarna, acum e pe la minus 30.
Cauza principala a incendiilor, pe langa seceta, este si actiunea oamenilor in acele zone.
" "The dry season creates the favourable conditions for the use and spread of fire, but starting a fire is the work of humans, either deliberately or by accident," INPE research Alberto Setzer told Reuters. Human activities - farming, mining and drilling - are what scientists say are exacerbating the situation now. In Brazil, cattle farmers start fires deliberately to clear forest to make way for ranching, and it’s not always legal.
In Mato Grosso and Para, where Brazil’s agricultural frontier has expanded and pushed into the forest basin, more deforestation has been recorded and wildfires have increased.
The fears surrounding deforestation have grown under Bolsonaro, who has vowed to develop the region for farming and mining since coming into office, ignoring international concern over deforestation and climate change. Carlos Rittl of the Climate Observatory told CNN that environmentalists and researchers blame Bolsonaro’s pro-business leadership for emboldening farmers to cut away at more Amazon land for ranching. Recently, the research agency INPE presented data that showed an 88 per cent increase in deforestation in June compared to the same month one year ago.
Bolsonaro responded by attacking the data from INPE, calling the findings "lies" that hinder trade talks for Brazil. He later fired the head of the agency, director Ricardo Galvao, claiming the research is inaccurate and that it was hurting Brazil’s reputation. Galvao told Reuters that the figures showing a spike in deforestation are "undeniable." Other countries working to fight climate change have started to take notice. Norway and Germany have pulled out of funding for projects to quell deforestation in Brazil. Environmental groups have also not shied away from firing back at Bolsonaro.
Greenpeace called the president and his government a "threat to the climate equilibrium" and warned that Brazil would shoulder a "heavy cost" to its economy under his policies.
Bolsonaro has mostly rebuffed the criticism.
He’s suggested that the spread of fires was merely the typical time of year for "queimada," or burn, when farmers usually clear land. Recently, without presenting evidence, he claimed that non-government organizations could be burning down the rainforest to bring shame to his government."
- paseaza cartoful fierbinte la altii, in loc sa isi asume contributia la derapajele create, era si de asteptat din partea lui
"se vor desertifica o sa devenim o tara tropicala?" - Nu, in Romania din cauza pozitiei geografice si a proprietatii specifice a solului de aici, nu vom deveni o tara tropicala.