| Violent a întrebat:

Cred ca ati auzit de "calatorii extracorporale". Ce parere aveti despre asta? Cunoasteti pe cineva care a reusit sa realizeze acest proces?

Răspuns Câştigător
| anonim_4396 a răspuns:

1. Nu am experimentat.
2. Nu am auzit pe nimeni care sa-mi spuna, fata-n fata, ca a experimentat asa ceva.
Daca te intereseaza subiectul poti cauta pe net despre doctorul Raymond Moody.
Am citit un articol despre el, mi s-a parut interesant.
Uite aici:

8 răspunsuri:
| suntserios a răspuns:

Cunosc pe cineva, normal. pe Mos Craciun

| baterie777 a răspuns:

Cred ca e o prostie

| Zenithf a răspuns:

Si eu am experimentat asta. De fiecare data cand ma gandesc la un loc exotic, mintea mea "imi fuge" acolo. A, si cand sunt la lucru, ma duce gandul acasa si sunt deja acolo! laughing
Acum, lasand gluma la oparte. Nu stiu cum este asta din alta perspectiva, dar in cea crestina, omul este suflet, suflare de la Dumnezeu (viata) in tarana. Intr-un loc zice: "iata vine un suflet de om". Deci, avand in vedere ca omul este suflet, singurul lucru ce poate iesi din corp este suflarea de viata, atunci cand mori. In perspectiva crestina deci, calatoria extracorporala este imposibila.

| Shammal a răspuns:

Citesc o carte legat de subiect, Robert-Monroe-Calatorii Extra corporale, pe cineva cu care sa fi avut contact fizic, nu; este foarte tare abilitatea, am avut cateva tentative

| anonim_4396 a răspuns:

Deci in calatoriile extra-corporale nu e chiar nimic supranatural.
Uite cum explica oamenii de stiinta acest proces:http://www.descopera.ro/......a-corpului
Si iata cam care este procesul propriu zis:http://www.nlpmania.ro/......constient/

| Acidacetilsalicilic a răspuns:

Da, chiar acum îţi vorbește unul care și-a părăsit corpul. Eu mă exprim și tu nu mă vezi dar înțelegi ce spun ...sau nu?! thinking

| doctorandus a răspuns:

Citez din Blom, Jan Dirk (2010). A Dictionary of Hallucinations. New York, Dordrecht, Heidelberg, London: Springer Science+Business Media, LLC. p. 379-80. doi:10. 1007/978-1-4419-1223-7. ISBN 978-1-4419-1222-0.

Out-of-Body Experience (OBE or OOBE)

Also known as out-of-the-body experience. In biomedicine, both terms are used to denote a type of ∗autoscopic phenomenon that may occur either during sleep or wakefulness, involving a sensation of being outside and above one’s physical body (referred to as disembodiment). The experience is typically accompanied by ∗autoscopy, which in OBE involves the visual perception of one’s physical body from a place outside of one’s actual body. Contrary to autoscopic doubles perceived in ∗heautoscopy, which tend to appear diaphanous, the physical body perceived in OBE tends to appear as solid and to cast a shadow. When instances of OBE and heautoscopy are experienced in rapid alternation, they are referred to as ∗double consciousness. It has been claimed that the lifetime prevalence of OBE may lie around 10%. OBE may be accompanied by other hallucinations or ∗illusions, such as ∗auditory hallucinations and ∗body photism. Pathophysiologically, OBE is associated primarily with aberrant neurophysiological activity at the temporo-parieto-occipital junction. It has been claimed by the group headed by the American-Canadian neuropsychologist Michael A. Persinger (b. 1945) that OBE can be evoked experimentally with the aid of a ∗Koren helmet. In parapsychology, OBE tends to be attributed to true exteriorization of the self, the soul, or any other ‘ethereal’ part of the body. An example of such exteriorization is astral projection, a condition in which the so-called astral body is thought to part from the physical body, and to undertake a tour of the physical plane, thus allowing for the proper physical distance to render autoscopy possible. According to the American parapsychologist Raymond A. Moody, Jr. (b. 1944), OBE is also a common characteristic of ∗near-death experiences (NDEs). Synonyms for OBE found in the parapsychological literature include astral projection, ecsomatic experience, ‘ecstasy with looking back at oneself’, exteriorization of sensibility, excursion of the ego, hallucination of physical duality, pseudoheautoscopy, syndrome of floating experience, and visuo-vestibular splitting of the somatosensory body image.


Blanke, O., Landis, T., Spinelli, L., Seeck, M. (2004). Out-of-body experience and autoscopy of neurological origin. Brain, 127, 243–258.
Brugger, P., Regard, M., Landis, Th. (1997). Illusory reduplication of one’s own body: Phenomenology and classification of autoscopic phenomena. Cognitive Neuropsychiatry, 2, 19–38.
Moody, R.A. (1975). Life after life. New York, NY: Bantam Books.

| anonim_4396 a răspuns:

N-am reusit, nici cu alcool si nici cu ierburi sa calatoresc.Am ajuns la concluzia ca orice calatorie are nevoie de un bagaj imens, in care sa pui acolo, tehnici, notiuni...eu cred ca astia care vor sa calatoreasca desprinzandu-se de corp, cara bagajul ala degeaba pe umeri.

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