Eu cred ca fetele nu cauta de fapt sa iubeasca un baiat, cauta un Alpha cu care se simt sigure ai confortabile, toate fetele sunt narcisiste ele cauta din toate dar doar in bonusul lor
Da sigur conteaza cum arãti dar si personalitatea, statutul social si banii conteaza pentru ca le ofera confort.
Sa zicem ca esti de nota 7 la fata si Corp, daca ai bani si popularitate poti merge si la 8-10 dar daca ai doar atat ramani la fete de nota 7 si -6 si alea se poate sa le obti mai greu
Daca esti urât, fara bani si natarau cu siguranta vei ramane singur my friend
Daca esti gras slabeste, daca esti slab pune muschi. Ar trebui sa te imbunatatesti din toate punctele de vedere, dar trebuie sa accepti cum arati la fata, inaltimea acestea trebuie sa le accepti!
Frumusetea e doar un atribut pe care il ai sau nu. Daca nu esti frumos, compensezi cu altceva, gen vrajeala si cand zic vrajeala ma refer la niste lucruri adevarate invelite intr-un strat care sa atraga curiozitatea asupra ta.
Nu. La nivel mondial sunt destul de putini barbati care nu au avut in viata lor o relatie.
Daca esti frumos si poti sa susti familia, e un bonus. 2in1 cum as zice eu. Cat timp ai cap poti face bani, daca esti si frumos fetele vin, chiar si fetele frumoase. Faza e ca trebuie sa gasesti o fata care sa fie constienta ca nu doar barbatul trebuie sa aduca bani in casa. Esti frumos= esti atractiv, masculin, fie cum vrei sa zici, ai cap= faci bani, fata buna= fata care stie ca doar impreuna faceti bani si va ridicati.
Dar aici intra subiectivitatea, fiecare cu gustul lui/ei.
Parental investment[edit]
The idea of parental investment is common both in humans and in the animal kingdom and derives from the fact that across most species there is an imbalance in the amount of time each parent invests in their offspring. Parental investment acts as a determinant of offspring survival, and accessing this investment is important for the sex that doesn’t provide as much PI. This theory states that the sex that invests the most time in raising its offspring is the limiting sex: it is more selective when choosing a mate. The other sex thus invests most of their time in competing for and courting mates.[32] Sexual selection by the limiting sex is stronger the larger the disparity between PI between the sexes. Whilst parental investment is relatively equal in humans, females are the selective sex because males are able to impregnate a number of females, whilst one male may only impregnate a female and they must invest a lot of time initially into the pregnancy. However, the investment by males does mean that males are also selective, and thus females ornaments have evolved to address this. According to evolutionary psychology, PI explains why females tend to focus on traits indicating a superior resource acquisition ability, whilst males tend to focus on signals of fertility: females are selective of their mate; males are selective over when they invest.
Gender differences[edit]
Mating preferences are not only confined to long-term relationships. Men and women have developed separate sexual strategies that are used for both short-term and long-term mate gain. Psychological adaptations such as mate guarding and sexual jealousy, and biological adaptations such as men’s testes size indicate that polygamy was present in evolutionary history,[33][34] and is preferred in certain situations. Short term mating forms a larger part of the male sexual strategy, largely due to PI, with men more willing to engage in intercourse sooner and preferring a larger number of partners than women.[35] Yet mate preference changes depending on the strategy being used: when searching for a long-term mate, women often tend to emphasise resources, but in the short term, a potential mate's physical attractiveness is weighed more heavily because it is a good indicator of desirable genes.[36][37]
Tre'sa se apuce Snoop de facut mai multe de astea, da da. :-?
Mno nu stiu, eu nu-s vreun frumos sincer sa fiu dar am iesit si cu fete destul de frumoase, way out of my league as putea zice.
Intrebarea ta cu iubita lui prietenul tau e exemplu cel mai bun
Pai si tocmai, aia e si ideea N-am vreo fata de model de revista
Nu este obligatoriu sa fii frumos ca sa te iubeasca femeile
sunt de acord cu studiile, femeile pentru sex aleg barbati sexy, iar ca partener cu care ar face o familie aleg barbati buni la suflet, iubitori etc
Intelegi engleza? In humans, when choosing a mate of the opposite sex, females place high preference for a mate that is physically attractive.[2] This ties in with the idea that women discriminate between men on hypothesized fitness cues. The more physically attractive a man is, the higher his fitness, and the better his genes will be. Women are attracted to more masculine traits (e.g. strong jawline, a more muscular body). Indeed, men who are more masculine tend to have a higher number of sexual partners.[3]
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