| EleninNWO2036 a întrebat:

TPU, Sfarsitul Lumii este pe 21 octombrie 2011 am gasit un articol pe net care scria pe articolul ala ca vine sfarsitul lumii sigur pe 21 octombrie 2011 va dau sa cititii si voi da scrie in engleza:October 21st, 2011 will be
Doomsday according to Harold Camping

Harold Camping is a 90 year old man, who leads Family Radio based out of Oakland, California. He was the man who was being hailed as the Doomsday Prophet earlier this year for his prediction that the Rapture would come on a May 21 Judgement Day, but was mocked when the day came and went without signs of Jesus returning. Camping quickly changed his Doomsday prediction to October 21st, 2011, which is now almost upon us.

October 21st Doomsday sounds scary, and therefore is getting lots of media attention despite Harold Camping’s failed prediction of May 21 2011 earlier this year. WHi do people still believe Camping after he duped millions of dollars out of the faithful for his May 21? The answer is simple. The signs that the End of World is almost here are all around us, and undeniably coming true, just as described in the Book of Revelation.

Recent Earthquakes, tsunami’s, hurricane’s, natural disasters, and civil unrest have all but taken over the World already, and on October 21st Doomsday we will see that the End of the World is here. For some, they will be saved in the 2011 Rapture, and spend eternity with God. Many others will suffer through the Apocalypse in the End Times until the End of the World on October 21st.
What is the Apocalypse?

Everything ever in the Bible is true, and most of what we read about is well in the past as we know. The Book of Revelation, which is rarely a topic in your local church, describes the End Times, and the period of the Apocalypse in great detail. Highly recommended by Christian experts, the Book of Revelation is the opposite of the rest of the collection, as it told Christians of the future, rather than the past like the Church taught books. The future is now. The October 21 Apocalypse is coming.

Famine, locusts, floods and torture are all expected during the Oct 21 Apocalypse, and while it will only last for the duration of one day – it may seem like an eternity. When God is involved, time can be effected, as He created everything on Earth. God is also the one who will cause the End of the World on October 21st.
On October 21st, When is it the End of the World?

The exact time of the End of the World on October 21st hasn’t been part of Harold Camping’s prediction, but he does have a description of what will happen on Doomsday. Camping states that he thinks the End of the World will be quiet, while others still predict that large Earthquakes, originating in Los Angeles will kick off the End of the World party.

Whichever side you’re on, believer or non, I appreciate hearing from you and receiving your feedback in these final days. I’d like to invite you, to email me your thoughts, and / or write down the name of this page to come back and visit on October 21st, 2011 and the day before!

Răspuns Câştigător
| chokingvictim a răspuns:

De mii de ani toti idiotii zic ca vine sfarsitul lumii maine, de ce ar fi acest/acesti idiot/i altfel?

16 răspunsuri:
| DianaScorpio a răspuns:

Niciun om nu poate sa stie exact cand va veni sfarsitul lumii.

| mgtow a răspuns:

Poate vine sfarsitul la tipul care a scris prostia asta.

| IrinaIvashkov a răspuns:


Eu, una, nu cred in miturile astea sunt doar niste superstitiii, si da va fi dar nu la noi ci la americani, dar nimeni nu poate stii cand e sfarsitul lumii

| Owakey a răspuns:


Care naiba e întrebarea?


| romanaols a răspuns:

Eu una nu cred.

| anonim_4396 a răspuns:

Bla bla bla...

| anonim_4396 a răspuns:

Acest om a mai prezis si in 1992 si in luna Mai. Nu te ingrijora.

| Lumine a răspuns:

Nu te teme, nu vine nici o apocalipsa (my opinion).
So don't be sad. happy

O zi buna!

| roormaf12 a răspuns:

Mda...cum scria ca vine si in aprilie(parca)...nu credeti prostiile astea

| Bobbb a răspuns:

Daca ar venii sfarsitul lumii, am stii cu totii. nu se va intampla nimic stati linistiti.

| BogdanPunct a răspuns:

Hai ma lasi. Anuul asta astrebuiau sa vina 5 apocalipse.laughing)

| STeEaaNuuTtTzZz a răspuns:

Se poate intampla dar doar dumnezeu stie cand va veni sfarsitul lumii.

| Ivanaaa a răspuns:

Nu stiu ce sa zic.Nu prea imi vine sa cred asa ceva.Dar totusi...Cn stie.N`ai cum sa nu te speri macar putin cand auzi o asemenea vestebig grin.Dar eu zic sa nu te mai gandesti la asta.Cand o sa vina 21 octombrie o sa vedem daca e adevarat sau nu...Doar Dumnezeu stiehappySper ca te-am ajutathappy.

| CaVoU a răspuns:

Nici fiul omului nu stie cand va veni

| App0 a răspuns:

S-a mai zis ca vine de 23 decembrie 2012.Nu prea cred ca e adevarat.Si a mai zis ba ca vine in 2036 ori 2051 ori in 4000. Ce ciudat! Asa scrie pe siteul Secretele lui Lovendal.

| uKa_5544 a răspuns:

Este acelasi om care a zic ca va veni si in mai. a fost vreo apocalipsa si nu stiu eu?happy nu trebuie sa crezi toti oamenii mai ales unul care are 90 de ani apropo. vezi ca a dat si la stiri despre el