| thesuspect961 a întrebat:

Am cumparat recent o imprimanta HP laserjet mfp m130fn,aceasta functiona perfect. Dupa aproximativ 3 luni s-a descarcat tonerul.Am cumparat un toner nou dar acesta nu avea cip, am pus cipul de la tonerul vechi in cel nou si dupa l-am pus in imprimata.Imprimanta functiona normal pana cand am vrut sa printez un document, Imprimanta nu facea nimic.Am incercat mai multe variante:am reinstalat driverul; am conectat imprimanta la internet sa nu mai folosec cablul USB, dar cand dau sa printez ceva, imi treimite un mesaj pe calculator:"Imprimata are nivelul scazut de toner" Ce ar trebui sa fac? pentru ca tonerul este nou dar cipul este de la cel vechi.De unde am cuparat tonerul m-au asigura ca trebuie sa merga.Cum as putea sa o fac sa mearga?

Răspuns Câştigător şi Apreciat de Editori
| JackR a răspuns:

Uite, HP zice ca poti incerca o resetare a chip-ului:

"Hewlett Packard's LaserJet printers contain hardware that keeps track of toner levels, so it can you alert you when levels get low and toner cartridge replacement is imminent or immediately necessary. When the Smart Chip identifies a problem with the toner, it prevents the printer from printing until the cartridge is replaced. Unfortunately, this hardware, or Smart Chip, sometimes incorrectly identifies problems with a toner cartridge that still has plenty of toner left with which to print, which can be troublesome to business owners. When this happens, you must reset the Smart Chip, so that your printer's function can be restored.

Step 1
Power your HP LaserJet printer off via the power switch, which is usually located on the side or rear of the printer. Do not disconnect power to the printer.

Step 2
Press and hold the printer's "Go" button on the main control panel, which is located on top of the printer. On some models, this button will be labeled "Go," while on other models, it will appear as a green button with a check mark on it.

Step 3
Power on the printer via the power switch, while still holding down the "Go" button. After a few seconds, the display screen on the printer will read "Cold Reset." Continue pressing the "Go" button. You will hear the printer's motors rotating inside the machine. On some models, "Cold Reset" may not be displayed on the screen, but according to HP, hearing the motors rotating is indicative that the reset was successful.

Step 4
Release the "Go" button. The display screen will then read "Initializing," then "Restoring Factory Settings." Lastly, the display will read "Offline."

Step 5
Press the "Go" button once again to bring the printer back online. If the Smart Chip was malfunctioning, it should now be reset and printing functionality will be restored to your HP laser printer.

If the screen still indicates that the toner cartridge needs to be replaced, it is likely that it is out of toner."

Daca nu functioneaza, atunci vorbeste cu cei care ti-au vandut tonerul.

2 răspunsuri:
| JackR a răspuns:

Imprimanta nu "cantareste" cat toner are, ci ia informatiile legate de numarul de pagini printate de pe acel cip. Daca se atinge un numar de pagini pentru care s-ar consuma cantitatea de toner din cartridge, atunci primesti mesajul acela. Deci, schimbarea cartridge-ului dar folosirea unui cip "plin", nu te ajuta cu nimic. Trebuie sa cumperi si un cip "curat".

| thesuspect961 explică (pentru JackR):

Si de unde as pute sa cumpar un cip?