| mdzz96 a întrebat:

Am instalat Ubuntu pe pc deoarece am vrut sa imi recuperez datele de pe HDD, dupa instalare am putut intra in hdd sa vad datele ba chiar sa le si copiez in pc, dupa un restart la pc nu mai pot intra in HDD din ubuntu imi da erroarea urmatoare: " DBus error org.gtk.Private.RemoteVolumeMonitor.Failed: An operation is already pending". Daca dau click pe el nu reactioneaza dupa, ce dau mount imi apare eroarea de mai sus + asta dupa ceva timp : "Error mounting: mount exited with exit code 13: ntfs_attr_pread_i: ntfs_pread failed: Input/output error
Failed to read first NTFS_BLOCK_SIZE bytes of potential restart page.
The file system wasn't safely closed on Windows. Fixing.
ntfs_attr_pread_i: ntfs_pread failed: Input/output error
Failed to calculate free MFT records: Input/output error
NTFS is either inconsistent, or there is a hardware fault, or it's a
SoftRAID/FakeRAID hardware. In the first case run chkdsk /f on Windows
then reboot into Windows twice. The usage of the /f parameter is very
important! If the device is a SoftRAID/FakeRAID then first activate
it and mount a different device under the /dev/mapper/ directory, (e.g.
/dev/mapper/nvidia_eahaabcc1). Please see the 'dmraid' documentation
for more details"! Ce pot sa fac va rog frumos spuneti-mi!

1 răspuns:
| soul2soull a răspuns:

Scoate un alt soft de montare a partitiilor de pe ubuntu si instaleaza-l sau foloseste alta versiune live puppy sau kiwi...