Eu am gasit pe net o posibila solutie, dar trebuie sa fii foarte atent cu operatiunile pe care le faci, pentru a nu sterge altceva si a destabiliza sistemul de operare. Am sa redau, in original, comentariul in limba engleza de pe forumul pe care l-am gasit. Daca nu intelegi engleza, apeleaza la cineva care sa te ajute. Bafta!
"The solution. It was not too easy, but at least it worked for me. I've totally removed all the Logitech software and drivers and reinstalled it from scratch. If you want to try this method be very careful! Especially with editing the registry!
What I did:
Disconnected all Logitech gaming devices.
Uninstalled all Logitech software (Gaming Software and SetPoint).
Removed folders C:\Users\\AppData\Local\Logitech, C:\Program Files\Logitech, C:\Program Files\Common Files\Logitech
Removed file C:\Windows\system32\WmJoyFrc.dll
Removed files WmBEnum.sys, WmFilter.sys, WmHidLo.sys, WmVirHid.sys, WmXlCore.sys from C:\Windows\system32\drivers (I removed Logitech mouse drivers too).
Removed oem*.inf and oem*.PNF from C:\Windows\inf that refers to Logitech drivers.
Executed regedt32.exe and deleted all keys, that refers to Logitech devices or software except drivers under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\*ControlSet*\Enum keys. Warning! You may found the word "Logitech" in the key, that refers not only to Logitech software. In my case I found only one such key.
Removed all Logitech drivers as described at
Rebooted the computer.
Installed Logitech Gaming Software 5.08 (connected all gaming devices at prompt during installation).
Rebooted the computer.
Installed Logitech SetPoint."
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