Spune ce sistem de operare ai?
dai click dreapta Proprieties pe acel ce iti apare cu galben te duci la details si aici selectezi HardwareIDS si imi dai ce scrie mai jos
Poate e busit cardul! Da un restart la calculator si mai incearca, sau incearca-l pe alt calculator!
Atunci ai probleme cu windows-ul! Ceva busit prin registri! Ceva legat de USB-uri!
1. Click on Start
2. Right Click on My Computer, click on Properties
3.Click on the Hardware tab
4. Click the Device Manager button.
5. Expand Universal Serial Bus controllers section.
6. Right-click every device under the Universal Serial Bus controllers node, and then click Uninstall to remove them one at a time.
7. Restart the computer, and allow the computer to reinstall the USB controllers.
8. Plug in the removable USB storage device, and then test to make sure that the issue is resolved.
Pe adaptorul SD care il bagi in calculator ai o cheie care trebuie sa o tragi in sus
Nu are nicio treaba cu cheia, aia are alt rol!