| Anonymm1597 a întrebat:

As avea si eu o intrebare.De ce cand dau import la un videoclip in Windows movie maker imi da o eroare "this file is empty". Va rog daca stiiti sau ati patit si stiti care e problema imi spuneti va rog? Eu am Windows 7 si am dw movie maker de pe net.Sau daca nu stiti ce problema are ati putea sa imi dati alte programe de modificat videoclipuri adica de pus efecte de taiat stiti voi la ce ma refer.

Răspuns Câştigător
| MnereaDarius a răspuns:

Citez: http://wiki.answers.com/......u_fix_this

The video is not correctly formatted for Windows Movie Maker. Check the file name extension (format) by right-clicking the file and choosing Properties from the drop-down menu that appears.

Is the extension one of these?

.asf,.avi, dvr-mersi,.m1v,.mp2,.mp2v,.mpe,.mpeg,.mpg,.mpv2,.wm,.wmv

If the extension is not one of those listed above, you will need to convert it to one before you can import it into Windows Movie Maker. Free video converters are available online. Simply Google: free video converters and download one. Then, convert the video to one of the file name extensions compatible with the program.

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