1. Niciodata nu cumpara router wifi cu o singura antena interna sau externa
2. teoretic iphon-urile ar trebui sa mearga cu orice fel de router facut dupa 2011
3 securitatea wpa wpa2 tkip si aes au cateva probleme cu multe dispozitive
treci inapoi pe securitastea WEP (este foarte vulnerabila in fgata atacurilor parola ta va sta maxim 10 minute in fata cuiva care stie ce face) si atunci vei vedea ca e ok si merge
uite si ceva ce sa citesti
WPA and WPA2 are newer encryption technologies than WEP, but they have a few more issues syncing on networks with older devices. If it's an issue, the newer WPA-enabled devices are supposed to be able to automatically switch back and use WEP. It's possible the iPhone 5 is having problems with that. You should be warned, though, that WEP is significantly less secure. (Update: Just to be totally clear, this should only be used as a solution temporarily, until Apple fixes this through a firmware update, or another solution is found. Until then, though, know you're trading security from people trying to access your network for functional Wi-Fi on your phone.)
The switch to your router is relatively simple. You'll need to access your Router gateway, which should be easily found through Google. For example, most Linksys routers are, while Western Digital routers can be accessed by simply typing "wprouter" into your URL bar.
From there, just go to the Wireless and Security options, select WEP instead of WPA, and enter your new password. All done! Hopefully your Wi-Fi issues will be cleared up. Let us know if it works—or doesn't—in the discussion below.
Stai, acum zici ca cu wpa wpa2 nu ar merge pe iPhone 5, numa cu WEP, dar WEP este mai usor de spart?
Da dai cu google si ai sa vezi ce zic cei cu aceleasi probleme wep-ul se sparge relativ usor intradevar...allmighty LINUX
in fine vezi daca merge cu wpa2 tkip si aes ..desi uneori cade semnalul se deconecteaza din cauza compatibilitatii dintre emitatorul telefonului si cel al router-ului am patit asta si la laptop-uri... pana nu i-am pus wep pe router nu am putut folosi wifi-ul laptop-ului
si router-ul i-al cu 2 antene deoarece cand are o singura antena semnalul se injumatateste face emisie receptie pe aceeasi antena... pe cand daca are 2-ua face emisie pe una si receptie pe alta
se poate configura si asta daca ai dd-wrt cunoscatorii stiu
dar asta-i alta mancare de peste
Da am auzit de dd-wrt, o sa incerc si o sa alec un ruter cu 2 antene si daca merge cu WEP ca stau intr-un oras mai mic si nu nu cunosc pe nimeni din acest cartier care e expert la hack Eu ma pricep asa asa da inca nu am avut sa testez pe router wireless
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