Vezi setarile din windows power management
vezi setarile din bios
pune alt windows
To disable automatic Sleep on Windows 10:
Open up Power Options in the Control Panel. In Windows 10 you can get there from right clicking on the start menu and going to Power Options.
Click change plan settings next to your current power plan.
Change "Put the computer to sleep" to never.
Click "Save Changes"
To disable automatic Sleep on windows 8:
Bring up the Charms bar by pressing the Windows key and C together/swiping in from the right on a touchscreen.
Click or tap on Settings and then choose Change PC Settings at the bottom.
Go to Power & sleep in the left-hand menu and click 'Never'.
To disable automatic Sleep on windows 7:
Open Power Options by clicking the Start button Picture of the Start button, clicking Control Panel, clicking System and Security, and then clicking Power Options.
On the Select a power plan page, click Change plan settings next to the selected plan.
On the Change settings for the plan page, click Change advanced power settings.
On the Advanced settings tab, double-click Sleep, double-click Sleep after, and then do one of the following:
If you're using a laptop, click On battery or Plugged in (or both), click the arrow, and then click Never.
If you're using a desktop computer, click Setting, click the arrow, and then click Never.
Double-click Hibernate after, and then do one of the following:
If you're using a laptop, click On battery or Plugged in (or both), click the arrow, and then click Never.
If you're using a desktop computer, click Setting, click the arrow, and then click Never.
If you also want the display to stay turned on, double-click Display, double-click Turn off display after, and then do one of the following:
If you're using a laptop, click On battery or Plugged in (or both), click the arrow, and then click Never.
If you're using a desktop computer, click Setting, click the arrow, and then click Never.
Click OK, and then click Save changes.
Daca se inchide ecranul din senin si nu ai umblat la setarile pentru stand by s-ar putea sa i probleme la baterie.
Acum un an patram acelasi lucru, la service mi-au zis ca s-a stricat bateria si trebuie inlocuita (Toshiba). Odata inlocuita nu am mai avut probleme. Nu mai stiu cat am dat in total. 200-300 de lei nu mai stiu. Inainte sa se agraveze recomand sa te duci la un specialist.
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