Trebuie sa conectezi telefonul la calculator,deschizi Itunes,te duci la sectiunea unde e telefonul tau, si apesi pe restore(butonul de langa update)si o sa iti reinstaleze ios-ul si o sa pierzi toate fisierele pe care le aveai pe el, alta cale nu e.
Da am incercat asa si imi da tot felul de erori.
Chestia cu restore n-are cum sa nu mearga,doar apesi pe restore si gata, pe tiny umbrella e mai complicat, iti trebuie niste shsh.
Da dar la Restore de erori (2005, 16, 9) nu stiu cum
Nu am mai avut timp sa traduc,urmeaza pasii de mai jos, daca nu merge, scrie-mi:
Connect the iPhone to your computer and have iTunes open.
Press and hold both the sleep/wake and the Home button until the screen goes black.
Release the sleep/wake button but continue holding the Home button for about 20 seconds.
After about 20 seconds, you should see your iPhone pop up in iTunes in recovery mode, asking for a restore. Your iPhone LCD should remain black. This is firmware reset mode.
Restore it from iTunes normally.(asta e pentru error 2005)
asta e pentru error 9
1) Patched host file ( CWindows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts ) by adding as Apple Update Server in order to achive verifications of older IPSWs (3.0, 3.1,
you can read more on that here:
Caching Apple's Signature Server - Jay Freeman (saurik)
2) Downloaded UNTOUCHED ORIGINAL 3.0 Firmware ( Google for it ). If you have baseband 05.11.07,you will need ORIGINAL UTOUCHED 3.1
3) Put iPhone in DFU Mode (maybe works also with Restore mode)
4) Restored with iTunes,
5) now I have 3.0/3.1 unactivated firmware, and WORKING iPhone
6) if you want use RedSnow to jailbreak
7) Upgrade / Restore to whatever you want (pentru error 9, care din cate am citit pe net e aproape nerezolvabila)
Descarci tinyumbrella de pe google conectezi telefonul deschide programu si selectezi telefonul apoi exit recovery daca nici asa nu merge da-mi un pm sa te ajut
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