Nu poti afla exact programul in care lucreaza ei, pentru ca sunt mai multe, si aici iti insir doar cateva mai cunoscute.
Platforms: Windows, Mac OS
Price: $538
Adobe After Effects
23, 79 € /month
Blackmagic Design Fusion
Platforms: Windows, Mac OS, Linux
Price: FREE or $299
Autodesk Smoke
Platforms: Mac OS
Price: FREE or $195/month
Autodesk Flame
Price: $4, 415 /year
Particle Illusion
Platforms: Windows, Mac OS Price: $399
Fxhome Hitfilm Pro
Platforms: Windows, Mac OS
Price: FREE or $299
mai exista si altele, mai ieftine, sau chiar gratuite, insa nu poti face cu ele chiar orice: Natron, Blender, Apple Motion.
Uite ce am gasit:
Danny Shepherd
Oct 7, 2019
users experience any issues when updating to #Catalina? Specifically with premiere and after effects.
Daca i-a reusit update-ul, lucreaza in After Effects, pe MAC.
Altfel, posibil sa fie trecut la Windows, sau la un alt soft.
Ca de bani nu duce lipsa tipul.