Pai intri pe: si acolo dai la "activeaza urmarie..., si dupa aia gasesti acolo, allow subscribers, este foarte simplu. Si app trebuie sa ai peste, sau chiar 18 ani, daca nu ai, nu e nici o problema, poti doar sa iti setezi data de nastere pe facebook ca si cand ai avea mai mmult :). sper ca te-am ajutat. Funda?
For facebook:
On your facebook profile, when you click to view it, on the left sidebar, where you have all your information about you, and pics, the bottom there should be a link saying create a profile badge, then i think they should give u and html code too and u have to link it. if u don't like the badge they give, again you can search a badge ont he internet and link it. FACEBOOK:…
octav005 întreabă: