| imagination a întrebat:

De ceva timp mi-am reinstalat Windows-ul.Problema e ca nu mai am cd-ul cu driver-ul pentru muzica.Am cautat pe Internet, dar intotdeuna imi spunea ca "Setup could not detect any Sound Blaster Audio card on your system.Please ensure that your Sound Blaster hardware is properly installed before running the setup program.
Setup will now exit."

Ce as putea face?

3 răspunsuri:
| DSGline a răspuns:

Add la andy_50centx@yahoo.com

| Manuelu123 a răspuns:

Iati programu Everest si cauti acolo driver-ul, am avut aceeasi problema cu laptopul am cautat driverul pe Everest si a mers succes tongue

Everest e un program big grin

| imagination explică:

Manuelu, am luat programul, dar degeaba...nu mergecrying