Ha? : )) habar n-am?! am laptop Acer Aspire.
Pur si simplu am instalat si downloadat un windows care l-am pus pe un stick bootabil si ...am asteptat sa se instaleze. atat! vad ca merge si internetul si sonorul...mai era si un driver pentru placa video? ma poti ajuta?
Aha gata am rezolvat : )) mersi
Cum ai rezolvat ca am si eu aceiasi problema doar ca eu am Dell
Pe un forum am gasit asta.
Cineva avea aceeasi problema.
"It's telling me that my video card drivers are up to date, and when I ran the update driver for the monitor, it switched it back to generic non-pnp device."
---"A driver installation can be up to date and still be corrupted. They need to be uninstalled as part of the clean-up process. If you re-install a new driver downloaded from nVidia don't let MS updates install its own updated driver over top of it. It sometimes doesn't matter with relatively simple drivers but complex video drivers that include utilities which are geared to the driver version are often incompatible with the more basic drivers from MS update"
Daca nu intelegi, iti voi traduce eu.
Ok am inteles mersi mult
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