To change the refresh rate:
Restart the computer, and while it is restarting, press F8 until the Startup menu appears. Press 3, and then press ENTER to start the computer in Safe mode.
Right-click the desktop, click Properties, and then click Settings.
Click Advanced, click Adapter, and then click Adapter Default from the Refresh Rate list.
Click OK, click OK again, and then click Yes to restart the computer in Normal mode.
You can set the colors and screen area to your preferences under Display Properties.
To change the video adapter settings:
Restart the computer, and while it is restarting, press F8 until the Startup menu appears. Press 3, and then press ENTER to start the computer in Safe mode.
Right-click the desktop, click Properties, and then click Settings.
Click Advanced, click Adapter, and then click Change.
Click Next, and then click Display a list of all the drivers in a specific location, so you can select the driver you want.
Click Next, click Show all hardware, and then click Standard display types under Manufacturers.
Click Standard Display Adapter (VGA), and then click Next.
Click Yes, click Next, click Finish, and then click Yes to restart the computer.
After the computer starts, right-click the desktop, click Properties, and then click Settings.
Click 256 colors, click Apply, and then restart the computer.
After the computer starts, click Start, point to Settings, click Control Panel, and then double-click System.
Click Device Manager, click View devices by type, and then click Display adapters.
Click Standard Display Adapter (VGA), click Remove, and then click OK.
Install all updated monitor drivers.Bau?
Bai... nu ma intereseaza jocul... doar ca nu mai imi merge monitorul,,, imi scrie out of range si ecranul e negru!
Daca te pricepi la pc-uri scoatei mufa di hard, dar atentie sa fie inchis si sa fie scoase toate firele de la mous tastatura net etc si sa fie tras din priza dupa aia o pui la loc mufa din hard faci totul canainte si poate o sa mearga dar cel mai indicat ar fi sa chemi un specialist in pc-uri sau un om ce se priceeeeepe.dar poti sa incerci sal si reformatezi, si atentie mare cu firele de la hard daca nuuu te pricepi te rog euuuuu sa nu incerci!
Pai a shimbat sora rezolutia punando pe mai mult decat a monitorului.Incarca sa deconectezi placa video de la PC poate isi reseteaza setarile.Te rog da-mi inapoi un mesaj.
Cum o deconectez?
Sau ai putea sa intri in Safe mod si sa shimbi de acolo rezolutia, sau daca nu poti vedea nimic nici cand se porneste PC scoti unitatea centrala dai capacul jos iei o surubelnita si demontezi Placa video