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Power Efficiency Diagnostics Report
Computer Name ANA_MARIUS-PC
Scan Time 2020-12-26T10:27:40Z
Scan Duration 60 seconds
System Manufacturer HP
System Product Name HP Notebook
BIOS Date 06/22/2020
BIOS Version F.37
OS Build 7601
Platform Role PlatformRoleMobile
Plugged In true
Process Count 61
Thread Count 821
Report GUID {138f8351-fa13-49f3-9f30-ed48a7d096b5}
Analysis Results
USB Suspend:USB Device not Entering Suspend
The USB device did not enter the Suspend state. Processor power management may be prevented if a USB device does not enter the Suspend state when not in use.
Device Name USB Root Hub
Host Controller ID PCI\VEN_1022&DEV_7808
Host Controller Location PCI bus 0, device 18, function 0
Device ID USB\VID_1022&PID_7808
Port Path
USB Suspend:USB Device not Entering Suspend
The USB device did not enter the Suspend state. Processor power management may be prevented if a USB device does not enter the Suspend state when not in use.
Device Name Generic USB Hub
Host Controller ID PCI\VEN_1022&DEV_7808
Host Controller Location PCI bus 0, device 18, function 0
Device ID USB\VID_0438&PID_7900
Port Path 1
USB Suspend:USB Device not Entering Suspend
The USB device did not enter the Suspend state. Processor power management may be prevented if a USB device does not enter the Suspend state when not in use.
Device Name USB Composite Device
Host Controller ID PCI\VEN_1022&DEV_7808
Host Controller Location PCI bus 0, device 18, function 0
Device ID USB\VID_248A&PID_8514
Port Path 1, 1
Power Policy:802.11 Radio Power Policy is Maximum Performance (Plugged In)
The current power policy for 802.11-compatible wireless network adapters is not configured to use low-power modes.
CPU Utilizationrocessor utilization is moderate
The average processor utilization during the trace was moderate. The system will consume less power when the average processor utilization is very low. Review processor utilization for individual processes to determine which applications and services contribute the most to total processor utilization.
Average Utilization 2.35
Platform Timer Resolutionlatform Timer Resolution
The default platform timer resolution is 15.6ms (15625000ns) and should be used whenever the system is idle. If the timer resolution is increased, processor power management technologies may not be effective. The timer resolution may be increased due to multimedia playback or graphical animations.
Current Timer Resolution (100ns units) 156000
Power Policy:Active Power Plan
The current power plan in use
Plan Name OEM Balanced
Plan GUID {381b4222-f694-41f0-9685-ff5bb260df2e}
Power Policyower Plan Personality (On Battery)
The personality of the current power plan when the system is on battery power.
Personality Balanced
Power Policy:Video Quality (On Battery)
Enables Windows Media Player to optimize for quality or power savings when playing video.
Quality Mode Balance Video Quality and Power Savings
Power Policyower Plan Personality (Plugged In)
The personality of the current power plan when the system is plugged in.
Personality Balanced
Power Policy:Video quality (Plugged In)
Enables Windows Media Player to optimize for quality or power savings when playing video.
Quality Mode Optimize for Video Quality
System Availability Requests:Analysis Success
Analysis was successful. No energy efficiency problems were found. No information was returned.
Battery:Battery Information
Battery ID 41167Hewlett-PackardPABAS0241231
Manufacturer Hewlett-Packard
Serial Number 41167
Chemistry LION
Long Term 1
Design Capacity 41610
Last Full Charge 32865
Platform Power Management Capabilities:Supported Sleep States
Sleep states allow the computer to enter low-power modes after a period of inactivity. The S3 sleep state is the default sleep state for Windows platforms. The S3 sleep state consumes only enough power to preserve memory contents and allow the computer to resume working quickly. Very few platforms support the S1 or S2 Sleep states.
S1 Sleep Supported false
S2 Sleep Supported false
S3 Sleep Supported true
S4 Sleep Supported true
Platform Power Management Capabilities:Adaptive Display Brightness is supported.
This computer enables Windows to automatically control the brightness of the integrated display.
Platform Power Management Capabilitiesrocessor Power Management Capabilities
Effective processor power management enables the computer to automatically balance performance and energy consumption.
Group 0
Index 0
Idle (C) State Count 2
Performance (P) State Count 6
Throttle (T) State Count 0
Platform Power Management Capabilitiesrocessor Power Management Capabilities
Effective processor power management enables the computer to automatically balance performance and energy consumption.
Group 0
Index 1
Idle (C) State Count 2
Performance (P) State Count 6
Throttle (T) State Count 0
Platform Power Management Capabilitiesrocessor Power Management Capabilities
Effective processor power management enables the computer to automatically balance performance and energy consumption.
Group 0
Index 2
Idle (C) State Count 2
Performance (P) State Count 6
Throttle (T) State Count 0
Platform Power Management Capabilitiesrocessor Power Management Capabilities
Effective processor power management enables the computer to automatically balance performance and energy consumption.
Group 0
Index 3
Idle (C) State Count 2
Performance (P) State Count 6
Throttle (T) State Count 0
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