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SonicStage Tutorial
1. Open SonicStage. The window will look something like this (if you are working in MIT B18 or 353, there may be quite a number of files showing up):
2. (If you are working in B18 or 353, skip steps 2-6). First you need to change the settings to enable WAV conversion. Go to "Tools" and pull down and select "Options."
3. Select "Transfer," "Hi-MD," and then click on "Transfer Settings."
4. Select "Standard transfer mode" and then click "Advanced."
5. Select "Convert automatically and transfer," make sure it says "64kbps" in the bit rate window, check the box next to "Save in WAV format when importing," and click on "Browse."
6. Make a new folder on the Desktop titled "Converted WAV files, and click OK.
7. Back in the main window, select "Transfer" from the three buttons at the top.
8. To clear My Library of unnecessary files, click into the My Library area and "select all" (CTRL-A, Apple-A).
9. Go to Edit in the upper left...
... and pull down "My Library" and over to "Delete."
10. Click "Yes" in the "Remove Tracks" pop up window.
11. Let SonicStage delete the files from My Library.
12. Your MD Recorder and its folders will appear on the right side. Click in the window and select all of the folders.
13. Click the arrow button that points left to My Library.
14. Notice the different indications that your recordings are being transferred.
15. The recordings will be transferred to WAV format.
16. When the files are transfered and converted, they will appear in My Library.
17. You can preview a track by playing it... select the track and press "Play"... you can adjust the volume with the slider in the upper left... you will need to plug in your headphones to the PCs in B18 to hear the audio output.
18. When you open the "Converted Wav files" folder on the Desktop, look for your WAV files. Transfer THESE files to your portable storage media, either your USB drive or external hard drive. If you have a Mac at home and you are using B18 or 353 for SonicStage, you will need to burn these WAV files to a CD-R using Nero.
19. What you DON'T want to copy are the propietary ".oma" files that are specific to SonicStage. These ATRAC files are playable only on your Sony MD recorder, and are useless when you try to edit your recordings in Audacity.
20. Now you are ready to import your WAV files into Audacity to begin editing. adresa unde iti explica tot
Daca ai XP, fa update la service pack 3 si apoi o sa mearga si prin copy - paste.
@Ndy15 acel comentariu e total paralel cu intrebarea si subiectul meu
@onutsu o sa dau add
@Edy Multumesc, o sa incerc sa inteleg ceva din acel tutorial ) insa sunt atat de proasta
am uitat sa specific faptul ca atunci cand intru pe SonicStange mi se da un mesaj: "You are logged on as a Limited Account user. Some SonicStage functions are not available. In order to have acces to all SonicStange functions you must log on to an account that has Administrator or Power User privileges." Sper sa nu fi gresit
deci, nu pot actiona in niciun fel acum
Ce sa fac? :-s HELP!
Vreau sa mentionez ca sunt cam varza la mp3`uri.Cand l`am cumparat am crezut ca va fi ceva simplu :-s m`am inselat
@virusake nu am windows xp
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