| Sonia822 a întrebat:

Sunt stau in Militari Bucuresti, si am vrut sa postez pe niste grupuri problemaHidrogenului Suflurat emanat noaptea in aer, si care da cancere, pentru ca oamenii il inspira dimineata. Insa daca postez des, Facebook mi-l baga la spam. Cum sa fac sa informez ca nu e spam, si doar avertizez populatia, pentru ca subiectul e ``ascuns``, si Facebook il mai sterge si el uneori? Mesajul e acesta: "ACCIDENT CHIMIC BUCURESTI. (Ro/Eng) Cunosti pe cineva, sau locuiesti sau lucrezi in Militari, Chiajna, Dr Taberei, Crangasi, Grozavesti, Giulesti, Bucurestii Noi, Pipera, Baneasa IKEA? Trebuie sa stii ca esti otravit! Atrag atentia asupra unui incident grav si repetitiv, care are loc la iesirea din Militari, la poarta IRIDEX, care noapte de noapte da drumul la un gaz toxic, Hidrogen Sulfurat (H2S) si otraveste puternic populatia din Militari, Chiajna, Dr Taberei, Crangasi, Grozavesti, Pipera, Baneasa, cu tot cu IKEA
Simtiti un miros de oua clocite dimineata, care da senzatie de voma? E un gaz toxic foarte periculos, eliberat in aer zi si noapte, noapte de noapte, intre 4.00 si 7.00. Intra in case pe sub usa si prin ferestrele inchise. Norul toxic pleaca de la Iridex, unde te sufoci, si curentii de aer il duc in tot Bucurestiul.
Exista risc foarte crescut de cancer, in special la plamani. Nu simtiti ca va fortati plamanii, si ca nu prea mai e oxigen? Ca nu e aer proaspat? E de la gaz!
Gasiti pe net rezultatele masuratorilor de hidrogen sulfurat efectuate de Agentia de Protectie a Mediului in luna iulie, care arata depășiri extreme! Nu e miros de gunoi, e gaz toxic de lupta.

Fata de anul trecut, mirosul s-a intensificat. E foarte concentrat. Niciodata nu a fost atat de intens ca in ultimile 8 luni. In ultima luna au dat drumul la gaze 3 ore noaptea, 2 dimineata. De trei saptamani e constant, ne gazeaza si noaptea si dimineata, dimineata cand iesi din casa fiind resimtit usor diluat. Dar e concentrat cand tu dormi.
S-au facut mii de reclamatii la Garda de Mediu, care sustine ca nu le-a primit.Au efectuat inspectii in zona si in afara de operatorul gropii de gunoi Iridex nu a identificat alti poluatori majori in zona. Acum suntem gazati. Problema e una foarte grava, ca se asteapta o explozie de cancere! Conform regulamentelor pompierilor, emanatiile de acid sulfhidric se incadreaza la accident chimic. Doar ca in acest caz gazarea e constanta si intentionata.
Pentru ca problema are loc cu complicitatea institutiilor: Garda de Mediu, Agentia pentru Protectia Mediului Bucuresti, ANPM, GNM, Ministerul Mediului si Directia de Sanatate Publica, care tocmai ce au dat aviz pozitit pentru prelungirea autorizatiei IRIDEX pe 10 ani. De-acum vor emana hidrogen sulfrat H2S in fiecare noapte. Daca il simti, macar sa stii ce e si de unde vine. Sa stii ca da probleme locomotorii si cancere s-a. Mai multe info pe wiki: https://ro.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hidrogen_sulfurat

Oamenii afectati mai discuta pe grupul asta: https://www.facebook.com/groups/stoprudeni/
Intra si tu, poate ne vine vreo idee, si vedem ce dracu facem.

Discuta cu toti cunoscutii tai care locuiesc sau lucreaza in zonele mai sus mentionate, sa stie si ei, ca e cam ascuns subiectul asta.
Rog informati populatia. Se distribuie de pe profilul asta (e setat `public`) zilele astea le prelungeste autorizatia!

CHIMIC ACCIDENT IN BUCHAREST. Do you live or work in Militari, Chiajna, Dr Taberei, Crangasi, Grozavesti, Giulesti, Bucurestii Noi, Pipera, Baneasa IKEA? You must know that you are poisoned! I draw attention to a serious and repetitive incident that take place at the Militari exit at the IRIDEX Company, which at night releases into the air a toxic gas, Sulfhidric Acid (H2S) and poisons the population of Militari, Chiajna, Dr Taberei, Crangasi, Grozavesti, Pipera, Baneasa, and IKEA
Do you feel a smell of rotten eggs in the morning, which gives a feeling of vomit? It's-a very dangerous toxic gas released into the air at night, between 4.00 and 7.00. It enter your house, under the door and through the closed windows. The toxic cloud leaves the Iridex, where you `re choking and the gas cover the Bucharest.
There is a very high risk of cancer, especially in the lungs. Do you feel that you're forcing your lungs, and that it's not oxygen anymore? That is no fresh air anymore? It's from the gas!
Find the results of hydrogen sulfide measurements on the internet conducted by the Environmental Protection Agency in July, showing extreme overruns! There's no garbage smell, it's toxic gas used in the WW2.

Comparing with the last year, the smell increased. Now it is very concentrated. It has never been as intense as in the last 8 months. In the last month they let go to the gas 3 hours at night, 2 in the morning. It has been an constant poisoning for the last three weeks, gazing day &night, day & night! In the morning, when you are living the house for work/school, it feels slightly diluted. But it's focused when you sleep!
Thousands of complaints have been made to the Environmental Guard, which claims they have not received them. He conducted inspections in the area and outside of the landfill operator Iridex, and did not identify other major polluters in the area. Now we are gassed. The problem is a very serious one, as it expects an explosion of cancers! According to the regulations of the firefighters, the emissions of sulfhidric acid (H2S) falls into a chemical accident. Only that in this case the gas is constant and intentional.
Because the problem is taking place with the complicity of the institutions: Environmental Guard, Agency for Environmental Protection Bucharest, National Agency for Environmental Protection, Ministry of the Environment and the Public Health Autority that have just given a positive advice to extend the IRIDEX authorization for 10 years. Hydrogen sulfate( sulfhidric acid, H2S) will emerge every night. If you feel it, at least you know what it is and where it comes from. And you should know that affects the legs, and causes cancers. More side effects on the wiki: https://ro.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hidrogen_sulfurat

The affected people also discuss in this group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/stoprudeni/
Come in, maybe we got some idea, and we see what the hell we can we do.

Discuss with all your acquaintances who live or work in the areas mentioned above, and let them know, because this subject is somehow hidden.
Please inform the population. Sharing from this profile (publicly set) these days they will extend the authorization! "

1 răspuns:
| Bondarel99 a răspuns:

Te inteleg, dar tu daca ai nevoie sa vada cat mai multi oameni, de ce postezi pe grupuri inchise? Tu ai nevoie de distribuiri, nu se pot distribui postarile din grupuri inchise?
Facebook-ul e cel mai mare mijloc de informare. Nu ai alta solutie decat sa postezi pe pagini si grupuri si sa rogi oamenii sa distribuie, eventual si cu niste poze atasate (stiu ca nu prea ai ce poze dar ceva care sa atraga atentia) si sa rogi lumea sa distribuie. Sau sa dai mesajul asta in privat pe conturile de Facebook ale jurnalistilor, emisiunilor etc. Daca situatia e asa grava, cineva va incerca sa faca ceva.