Carlo's revange the death of a Mafia Boss, Alien Guard Toon Crisis Lunetistu Tinteste femeia Shooter The professionals2 Infiltration high noon ranger
CS, Call of Duty, Battlefield, Mafia II, Sniper Elite(toate), Crysis(toate), Max Payne(toate), CS:S, CS:GO, Saints Row(toate), Payday, Bioshock(toate), Splinter Cell(toate), Half-Life(toate), Guncraft, Duke Nukem Forever, Dishonored, Call of Juarez(toate). Ma doare mana sa mai scriu.
CS,Crisis,dc univres online, minecraft cu mod-ul 160, sniper elite, iron man pe tableta, Mafia si sa zicem party shooter
Halo 1, 2, 3, 4
Serious Sam 1, 2, 3
Counter Strike Reloaded, Global Ofensive
Unreal 1, 2(the awakening)
Red Dead Redemption
Battlefield 1, 2, 3, 4
Call of Duty MW, Black Ops 1, 2, Ghosts
Door Kickers (asta nu cred ca se pune)
Dead Pool
Metro 2033, Last light(la asta nu is sigur ca am scris bine)
Day z
Gun (cel mai vechi pe care il stiu)
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