Melodi : Inna ( Dimond in the sky )... Rednex ( Cotton eyed joe ).
Jocuri : WOW... GTA... Metin
Programe :... Borland C++, Forex4You
Stiu de siteul asta
Jocur: call of duty moderm warfar 1, 2, 3
gta3, vice city, san andreas, 4(seria mea de jocuri favorita)prototype
Jocuri: CS, GTA, TF 2, Assassins creed, WoW, Dead Space 2, BattleField, Bully, Call of Duty
Jocuri Horror: Amnesia, The House, Paranormal, SCP, The Nightmare House, Sleneder (Hount, Barrels, classic)
Muzica -
Dubstep: Skrillex, Dj Fresh, UKF
Rap : Eminem, Deliric, Doc, Cedry2k
Programe: PhotoShop, TeamViewer (nu imi vin mai multe)