Am instalat windows 10 pe el, omul la cumparat cu 250 ron, pentru office,nu avea ssd si hdd de la el, nu am avut problleme cu el in timpul instalari sau dupa,driverele sunt foarte greu de gasit, am cautat cu niste softuri, merge filme online, Youtube, TPU, office 2016 desigur, daca cumpara 4 gb ram si o placa externa va fi mai bun, in concluzie da merita dar nu pentru jocuri, poate jocuri din generatia cu cheia la gat
SH Fujitsu ESPRIMO E920, Intel Core i3-2100, 4GB, 320GB HDD, DVD
Capacitate memorie RAM 4 GB
Capacitate stocare 320 GB
Format mediu stocare 2, 5 inch
Frecventa procesor 2, 51 - 3 GHz
Interfete retea Lan 10/100/1000 (Gigabit)
Model procesor Core i3 gen2
Nr. unitati stocare 1
Nr. USB fata 4
Nr. USB spate 6
Nuclee si thread-uri pe CPU 2 core (HT-4 thread)
Porturi - Interfete I/O VGA
Producator procesor Intel
Sistem de operare Fara OS
Slot(uri) PCIe x1
Tip carcasa SFF
Tip mediu stocare HDD
Tip memorie DDR 3
Tip placa video OnBoard
Unitate optica DVD-Writer
Playable Games List for Intel® HD Graphics 3000/2000
Content Type
Article ID
Last Reviewed
These games are a sample of the popular games that play well on Intel® HD Graphics 3000/2000 and Windows 7* 64-bit operating system.
For the latest playable games, visit the Gameplay site. Settings on the site are only available for Intel® 4th Generation Core™ Processors and higher.
A Game of Thrones: Genesis*
Age Of Empires III*
Aion Tower of Eternity*
Alliance of Valiant Arms (A.V.A)*
Ask Tao*
Attack On Pearl Harbor*
Audition Dance Battle Online*
Avadon: The Black Fortress*
Batman: Arkham City*
Battle Of Europe*
Battlefield: Bad Company 2*
Bricks of Egypt*
Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2*
Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 3*
Cars 2: The Video Game*
Celebrity Death Match*
Champions Online*
Combat Flight Simulator 3.0*
Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3*
Command & Conquer 4: Tiberian Twilight*
Company Of Heroes: Tales Of Valor*
Conquest Journey*
Counter-Strike 1.6*
Counter-Strike Online*
DC Universe Online*
Deer Drive*
Demolition Company*
Demon Dungeon*
Deus Ex: Human Revolution*
Dirt 2*
Dirt 3*
Dragon Age II*
Dragon Age: Origins Awakening*
Dragon Oath*
Dragon Power of Great Ming*
Dream Chronicles*
Dungeon Defenders*
Dungeon & Fighter Online*
Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion*
Emergency 3*
Empire Total War*
Enemy Territory Quake Wars*
EVE Online: Tyrannis*
F1 2010*
F1 2011*
Fable III*
Fallout: New Vegas*
Fantasy Westward Journey*
Farm Frenzy 2*
F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin*
FIFA 11*
FIFA Manager 12*
FIFA Soccer 12*
Final Fantasy XI: Seekers of Adoulin*
Football Manager* 2011
Free Style*
Gatling Gears*
Ghostbusters: The Video Game*
Hidden Secrets: The Nightmare*
Hot Wheels: Beat That*
Hunted: The Demon's Forge*
Hunting Unlimited 4*
IGT Slots: Texas Tea*
In-Fisherman Freshwater Trophies*
Journey to Fairyland*
Jurassic Park: The Game*
Left 4 Dead 2*
Legends of Atlantis: Exodus*
LEGO Batman*
LEGO Harry Potter: Years 1-4*
LEGO Harry Potter: Years 5-7*
LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean*
LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy*
LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars*
LEGO Universe*
Lineage II*
Lord of the Rings Online: Rise of Isengard*
Mabinogi Heroes*
Madden NFL*
Magic: The Gathering - Tactics*
Major League Baseball 2K9*
Mass Effect 2*
Medieval II: Total War Gold*
Metro 2033*
Monday Night Combat*
Monster Hunter Frontier*
Mystery Case Files: Return To Ravenhearst*
Nancy Drew: The Captive Curse*
Nancy Drew Warnings at Waverly Academy*
Napoleon: Total War*
Natalie Brooks: Secrets of Treasure House*
NBA 2K10*
Need For Speed: World 2010*
Operation Flashpoint: Red River*
Pirates of Black Cove*
Plain Sight*
Portal 2*
QQ Dance*
QQ Speed*
Quake Live*
Ranch Rush*
Rift: Planes of Telara*
Rise of Immortals*
Roller Coaster Tycoon 3*
Section 8: Prejudice*
Sid Meier's Civilization V*
Sins of a Solar Empire: Trinity*
Sleepy Hollow*
Slots Dual Pack*
Spore* (Test 1 or 2 variants)
StarCraft 2* (Americas)
Star Trek Online*
Street Fighter IV*
Super Street Fighter IV*
Supreme Commanders 2*
Tales of Monkey Island*
Team Fortress 2*
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2: Battle Nexus*
The Sims 2: Pets*
The Sims 3: Ambitions*
The Sims 3: High End Loft Stuff*
The Sims 3: Late Night*
The Sims 3: Pets*
The Sims 3: Town Life Stuff*
The Sims Medieval*
The Treasures Of Mystery Island*
The World Of Legend*
Tiger Woods Online*
Tiger Woods PGA TOUR*
Tom Clancy's H.A.W.X.*
Tom Clancy's H.A.W.X.2*
Total War: Shogun 2*
Toy Story 3*
Trainz: Driver Ed*
Transformers: War for Cybertron*
TRON 2.0*
TRON: Evolution*
Tropico 3: Absolute Power*
Tropico 4*
Virtua Tennis 4*
Warhammer 40, 000: Dawn Of War II*
Warhammer 40, 000: Dawn Of War II - Retribution*
Warhammer Online: Age Of Reckoning*
World in Conflict*
World of Warcraft: Cataclysm*
World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King*
Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne*
World Two*
X3: Terran Conflict*
XuanYuan* (China)
Daca vrei sa-l folosesti pentru office si internet, atunci instaleaza Linux Mint si va merge decent!
(cu un procesor I3, jocurile merg mult mai greu sau chiar deloc)
Core i3 de care nenea? Ca una e sa ai un harb de acum zece ani, si alta e sa ai unul de generatia 12.
Din pacate, daca nu vrei sa-ti iasa peri albi din cap, presupun ca ai o configuratie slaba, deci ce-ar mai salva PCul ar fi un linux extrem de light.
Am si eu un laptop cu i3 310M, inainte cu 7 se misca fasnet, acum cu 8.1 care si asta nu mai are suport nici nu-mi aduc aminte cat ii lua sa se incarce.
Toate. Depinde de generația de i3. Dacă e generația 10 în coacem, nerge și 11.
Conteaza acum și cât ram ai
Intel core i3 si mai cum.
Ce generatie? ce viteza,,,,, cati ram are? are SSD sau un hard disk normal
Generatia 4, ssd cu 4gb ram
Atunci mai bine un Window 7
Windows 7 Home Premium x64, daca e generatia a 4-a
Sau Windows 10 Pro x64, la care bibilesti și dezactivezi: Cortana, Telemetria, aplicațiile moderne(toate care se pot dezinstala, si le inlocuiesti cu alternative: AIMP, VLC, IrfanView, etc), pui Totul de la Privacy pe Off, si opresti servicii pe care nu le folosești din Services.