To enable wireles network or diable just check portable wi-fi hotspot at settings-> wireless and network->tethering and portable hotspot.
Read more: Galaxy ace duos GT-S6802 will connect to wifi but cant access internet? - My Samsung galaxy ace duos gt s6802 couldnot connect to internet always said unable to connect pls check ur setting :: Ask Me Fast at
Telefonul are wifi? ce model ce model este router-ul wifi sunt chestii care trebuie scrise din prima ca sa putem intelege ce vrei si sa te putem offence
Samsung Galaxy Ace Duos GT-S6802
To enable wireles network or diable just check portable wi-fi hotspot at settings-> wireless and network->tethering and portable hotspot.
Read more: Galaxy ace duos GT-S6802 will connect to wifi but cant access internet? - My Samsung galaxy ace duos gt s6802 couldnot connect to internet always said unable to connect pls check ur setting :: Ask Me Fast at
Poti sa te conectezi la wifi intrand la ''setari wifi'' si introducand parola modemului.
Pai daca ai Wi-Fi pe telefon intri pe telefon la setariile Wi-Fi si trebuie sa iti recunoasca modemul, dai pe el si iti cere parola si scrii parola de pe modem (bineinteles ca trebuie sa poti sa dai internet prin wirelles de pe modem) si dai conectare.